link Jennifer Tseng Profile

Full-Time Faculty

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Jennifer Tseng

Full-Time Faculty

Phone: (408)855-5365
Email: [email protected]
Office Location: GC-341A
Department: Accounting

Jennifer is a CPA with many years of experience managing business enterprise systems. After graduating with a degree in Finance, she joined Andersen Consulting (now Accenture) as a Business Systems Consultant. Then, after earning her MBA and passing the CPA exam, she joined Deloitte as a Management Solutions Consultant.

During her tenure at Deloitte, she was granted a temporary re-assignment from her systems consulting group to the audit team in order to attain certification of her CPA license in California. After 8 years of experience in consulting, she spent ~17 years in the private industry – worked at two global high-tech companies managing their business systems worldwide.

Jennifer enjoys teaching and sharing her experience with students to provide them strong content and professional ethical foundation in the business industry. On the other hand, she deeply appreciates the students with their inspirations of creativity and the opportunity to learn from the multi-cultural community of students coming from all walks of life.

  • M.B.A.,
    • University of California, Riverside
  • B.A. in Finance
    • University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Current Courses Teaching

Favorite Quote

Turn your mind and (you will) turn your fate.