link Steve Duong Profile

Program Specialist (Adult Ed)

Steve Duong

Steve Duong

Program Specialist (Adult Ed)

Email: [email protected]
Department: Instruction Department

Steve is a proud Mission College alumnus where he discovered his career mission to passionately help people reach their full potential. He returns to Mission as a staff member with versatile experience and skills sets.

These include working in the community mentoring former gang-members live prosocial lives, promoting mental health, job development for adult students,  supporting students on probation, facilitating rehabilitation programs for incarcerated youth, providing guidance counseling to high school dropouts to resume their education, and teaching ESL as a substitute teacher to adult learners.


  • Bachelor of Arts, Sociology/Minor in Recreation
    • San Jose State University
  • Associate of Arts, General Studies
    • Mission College

Fast Facts

Steve is a dedicated father of two awesome kids. A HUGE Kobe Bryant (Mamba Forever) and lifelong Los Angeles Lakers fan. Enjoys working out at the gym and maintaining good wellness.

Favorite Quote

"MAMBA MENTALITY! It means trying to be the best version of yourself. It’s a constant quest to try to be better today than you were yesterday.” – Kobe Bryant