link Kelly Neary Faculty Profile

Full-Time Faculty & Dept Chair

Kelly Neary

Kelly Neary

Full-Time Faculty/Dept Chair

Phone: 408-855-5588
Email: [email protected]
Office Location: SCI-119
Department: Biological Sciences


  • M.S. in Biological Sciences, Concentration in Physiology
    • San Jose State University
  • B.S. in Physiology
    • University of California at Davis


Kelly’s research interest is in vision neurophysiology.  Her graduate and post-graduate research studied the effect of transcranial magnetic stimulation of the visual cortex on visual perceptual learning.  

Courses Taught
  • BIO 11 -  Human Biology
  • BIO 14 - Human Heredity and Disease
  • BIO 22 - Human Anatomy and Physiology for Allied Health Workers
  • BIO 47 -  Human Anatomy
  • BIO 48 - Human Physiology

Fast Facts

When not teaching, Kelly can be found spending time with her two kids.  She also enjoys hiking, wine tasting and going to the beach. 

Favorite Quote

"Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome." - Booker T. Washington