link Guy Shani Profile

Full-Time Faculty

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Guy Shani

Full-Time Faculty

Phone: (408)855-5569
Email: [email protected]
Department: Biological Sciences


  • BS in Biological Sciences, with focus on Molecular and Cellular Biology
    • California Polytechnic State University (2010)
  • PhD in Microbiology
    • UC Davis (2017)


Dr. Shani's main interest is microbiology, with a focus on microbial communities associated with the human host. His graduate research was focused on beneficial microbes present in the digestive tract of breast-fed infants, and how complex sugars found (almost) exclusively in human milk influence the healthy microbiome of the baby). He is also very interested in the microbiology of food, especially fermented foods.

Courses taught
  • BIOL 4 - Microbiology

Fast Facts

Dr. Shani is an avid cook and baker, and is always on the lookout for new recipes (especially unusual ones that come from far-away places.)

Favorite Quotes

"The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it. " --Terry Pratchett

"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness." -Terry Pratchett