link Josi Taylor Profile

Associate Faculty

Josi Taylor

Josi Taylor

Associate Faculty

Email: [email protected]
Department: Biological Sciences


  • PhD in Marine Biology and Fisheries
    • University of Miami RSMAS
  • Bachelor of Science in Marin Biology
    • University of West Florida

Courses Taught

  • General Biology: Cells (BIO 1A)
  • General Biology: Organisms (BIO 1B)
  • Introduction to Biology (BIO 10)

Fast Facts

Dr. Taylor's favorite place to be is at the beach with her husband, son, and dog, or taking in an awe-inspiring view on a hike.

Favorite Quote

"Knowing is the key to caring, and with caring there is hope that people will be motivated to take positve actions. They might not care even if they know, but they can't care if they are unaware." ~ Sylvia Earle