link Nanette Wylde Profile

Emeritus Faculty


Nanette Wylde

Emeritus Faculty

Email: [email protected]
Office Location: CDC
Department: Child Development


  • M.A., Human Development; Leadership in Education/College Teaching
    • Pacific Oaks College
  • B.A., Human Development
    • Pacific Oaks College
  • A.S. Child Studies
    • West Valley College

Professional Memberships

  • National Association for the Education of Young Children
  • California Community College Early Childhood Educators

Fast Facts

As the founding director and teacher of one of the first N.A.E.Y.C accredited after school programs in Santa Clara County, Nanette worked in direct services with children and families for over 18 years. Prior to coming to Mission College, she taught Child Development classes for both De Anza and Foothill Colleges and Human Development courses at the B.A. and M.A. level for Pacific Oaks College.

A native Californian, Nanette has five grown children and several grandchildren; whom she treasures. Nanette and her husband enjoy camping, visiting the beach and cooking from their garden. She is passionate about the early childhood field and issues of equity and social justice.

Favorite Quote

“You can’t say you’re for peace if you’re not willing to disturb it.” - Bill Maher