link Rob Dewis Profile
Rob Dewis

Rob Dewis

Part-Time Instructor

Phone: (408)855-5327
Email: [email protected]
Office Location: SEC-248C
Department: Communication Studies


  • M.A., Communication Studies
    • San Jose State University
  • B.S., Broadcasting and Film
    • Boston University

Courses Taught

  • Public Speaking (COMM 001)
  • Small Group Communication (COMM 004)
  • Intercultural Communication (COMM 012)
  • Effective Speech: Overcoming Speech Anxiety (COMM 51C)

Outside Activities

Rob has pursued a number of non-teaching professional interests over the years, including performing as singer/guitarist both in bands and as a solo act, and producing video and webinar programs with and for instructors at De Anza College. Rob also continues to be active as a professional photographer, working primarily for young actors and models pursuing their careers.

To help find balance between work and non-work life, Rob also practices mindfulness meditation, and loves spending time at the ocean. 

Books Rob Likes
  • Miracle of Mindfulness - Thich Nhat Hanh
  • Full Catastrophe Living - Jon Kabat-Zinn
  • Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers - Robert Sapolsky
  • The Stand - Stephen King
  • Harry Potter (all) - J. K. Rowling

Films Rob Likes
  • North by Northwest - Alfred Hitchcock
  • Bladerunner - Ridley Scott
  • My Neighbor Totoro - Hayao Miyazaki
  • Young Frankenstein - Mel Brooks
  • Back to the Future - Robert Zemeckis

Greatest Memories
  • Attending a Beatles concert
  • Watching the first landing on the moon, live on television
  • Witnessing the births of his two daughters