link Yolanda Barnes

Counselor (Honors)


Yolanda Barnes


Phone: (408)855-5045
Email: [email protected]
Office Location: SEC-139
Department: Counseling Services

Connect with me

Yolanda Barnes serves Mission College students in the Counseling Center and Honors Program. She is motivated by "the possibility of doing better for our students. With that, I am grateful for the opportunity to simplify processes, create various pathways and enhance our systems that will help students achieve thier goals. Personally, I am motivated by the possibility of love, peace and forward progress."

She acknowledges that "although I have a graduate degree, I encountered challenges that could have prevented me from succeeding. According to Dr. Victor Rios, At-Promise students already possess the tools necessary to succeed in school, but just need support and assistance to utilize those tools. She is "a first generation college student, has suffered from imposter syndrome, was raised by a single mother, and has family members with addiction issues."

Furthermore, she states that "not having been directly exposed to severe, overt racism is definitely a privilege as I see how this has negatively impacted too many in my community. While I alone cannot change the mindset of this country, I am committed to using my influence to help create safe, welcoming spaces of community for our students here at Mission." 


  • M.S., Career Counseling
    • California State University, Sacramento
  • B.A, Sociology/Organizational Studies
    • University of California, Davis

Fun Facts

She is the first in my family to earn a degree and has since then inspired several family members to do the same. She is a huge Golden State Warrior fan and an even bigger San Francisco 49er fan. When not working, she can be found hiking in the Oakland or Hayward hills, volunteering with my sorority, traveling or spending time with family and friends. She loves the beach, the mountains, and being active outdoors.