link Jose Manzo Profile

Counselor (EOPS)


Jose Manzo

Counselor (EOPS)

Phone: (408)855-5101
Email: [email protected]
Office Location: SEC-144/EOPS
Department: Counseling Services

Jose Manzo is bilngual in Spanish and English. In his own words, he is "motivated by the opportunity to make a dream one step closer to reality.  One thing I value the most is time, and I enjoy spending it with my large family, close friends, and of course, my wonderful wife.  I strive to give a perfect effort in all aspects of life, especially the time we share here at Mission."

"Although I have a graduate degree, I encountered challenges that could have prevented me from succeeding. According to Dr. Victor Rios, At-Promise students already possess the tools necessary to succeed in school, but just need support and assistance to utilize those tools. I am first-generation, low-income, and a Latino male.

One of the biggest privileges that I have is that of having an Education.

I currently hold a BA in Psychology and an MA in Counseling. I am the first in my family's history to obtain a higher education and it has been a privilege because I now have access to more opportunities and spaces that many in my family do not. No one in my family until recently even had a high school diploma or even a formal education since they grew up in a small town in Mexico.

A prime example of my privilege in action is the fact that I work in a school setting where I can make a living by doing something that I am passionate about with low-physical activity. My parents and extended family have had to work in places that they are not passionate about and in very physically demanding work for long hours because they do not have the necessary education for pursuing a career of interest.

In relation to my work with students, I am already done with my educational journey and students are still going along the journey overcoming various challenges and obstacles. I understand that students may compare themselves to my journey and feel a particular way, however, in my role I do my best to empathize with students because I was once there not too long ago."


  • M.A., Educational Counseling
    • San Jose State University
  • B.A., Pyschology
    • San Jose State University

Fun Facts

Jose climbed the Aztec Pyramids, went to Superbowl 50, won a high school football championship, and was born and raised in Humboldt County.