link David Lang
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David Lang


Phone: 408-855-5178
Email: [email protected]
Office Location: SEC-248G
Department: English


B.A. English Language and Literature, Oxford University
M.A. English Language and Literature, Oxford University
M.A. English, California State University, Hayward
M.A. English (Composition), San Francisco State University
Certificate in TOEFL, International Teacher Training Institute, London

Courses Taught

Engl 905 English Fundamentals
Engl 908 Effective Writing
Engl 1A English Composition
Engl 59 Writing in the Workplace

Fast Facts

Writings and Presentations:

  • A Flower in the Desert: Images from the Headless Way. Non-Duality Press. 2012.
  • Is a Text a Human Being? A Non-Dual Approach to Composition and Reading Theory. Self-published. 2012.
  • Face to No-Face: Rediscovering Our Original Nature by Douglas E. Harding, edited by David Lang. InnerDirections Publishing. 2000. (Translated into three languages.)
  •  “Critical Thinking in Web Courses: An Oxymoron?” Syllabus: New Dimensions in Education Technology 14:2. (2000).
  • Drafted: Writing Theories for Writing Teachers (book).
  • Draft in process: Deeper than Death (book).
  • Eighteen presentations at professional conferences, including “Going Blank: A Key to Creativity” and “Embracing Emptiness When Teaching and Learning How to Write,” both at the annual Conference on College Composition and Communication, and “How Online Courses Shed Light on the Deep Function of Communication” at the annual conference of The Association for Business Communication.
  • Articles on meditation for various publications and Websites. Meditation workshops.
Favorite Quote

"The writer within is always a stranger, with a grin, a top hat and long, quick fingers which produce what was not there a moment before. I shall never know this magic man well, although he has been within me for sixty years. He entices me with his capacity to surprise. We’ve been a pretty good team, all told, the surpriser and the surprised."  ~  Donald Murray - Pulitzer prize-winning journalist, Professor Emeritus at the University of New Hampshire, and writing and teaching theorist.