link Pamela Couch

Pamela Couch

Pamela Couch

Pamela Couch


Phone: 408-855-5286
Email: [email protected]
Office Location: SEC-248F
Department: ESL

Pamela Couch has been an English as a Second Language professional since the early 1980s. She received her EdD in Curriculum and Teaching from Boston University, her MA in TESOL from the University of Minnesota, and her BA in Slavic Languages and Literature from Indiana University. 

Before coming to Mission in 2004, Pamela taught ESL/EFL and related courses in many US colleges and universities, including Boston University, Boston College, Harvard School of Public Health, San Diego State University, University of California San Diego, and the University of Minnesota. She also worked for the Boston University International Management Programs in Kobe, Japan and Shanghai, China and a leadership seminar for government officials in Beijing, China. In addition, she taught instructional technology to foreign language teachers at the University of Kiev in Ukraine and received a Fulbright grant to teach EFL at the University of Skopje in Macedonia.

During her time at Mission, Pamela has taught most of the courses that the ESL program offers. She is active in different committees, the most recent being the Distance Learning Committee and the Professional Development Committee. In the summer, she teaches EFL in a program for incoming graduate students at Stanford University.


Ed.D. Boston University, Curriculum and Teaching
M.A. University of Minnesota, Teaching English as a Second Language
B.A. Indiana University, Slavic Languages and Literature

Fast Facts

In her spare time, Pamela enjoys taking dance classes, hiking, watching hockey, reading 19th century novels, and visiting offbeat museums. First job was in a pickle factory. Wanted to be a Mouseketeer. Ukulele player.

Favorite Quote

Live to learn.