link Priya Babu Profile

Part-Time Instructor

Priya Babu

Priya Babu


Email: [email protected]
Office Location: GC-114
Department: Mathematics


  • Ph.D. Graph Theory – Mathematics, IIT, Madras, India
  • M.Sc. Mathematics, IIT, Madras, INDIA
  • B.Sc. Mathematics, Meenakshi College, Madras, India

Courses Taught

  • Math 10 - Statistics
  • Math D - Trigonometry
  • Math C - Intermediate Algebra
  • Math 902 - Prealgebra
  • Math 900 - Arithmetic Functions

Fast Facts

Born and raised in India, Priya moved to California after her Ph.D. When not teaching, she spends time with her kids. Her interests include cooking special dishes and baking.

Favorite Quote

"If I were again beginning my studies, I would follow the advice of Plato and start with mathematics." ~ Galileo Galilei