link Joan Powers

Joan Powers

Joan Powers

Joan Powers


Phone: 408-855-5298
Email: [email protected]
Office Location: MT-11H
Department: ESL

Joan Powers started teaching ESL at Mission College in 1987 and went full-time in 1989. She has taught most of the ESL courses over the past 25 years and enjoys teaching students at all levels.

Joan helped create the Global Studies program and the International Students Center on campus and endeavored to provide study abroad opportunities for students, staff and faculty. 

In addition to Mission College, Joan has extensive and varied teaching experience including Stanford University, State of Bahrain Ministry of Education, Indiana University, and the University of California, Riverside. 


M.A. University of California, Riverside
B.A. University of Illinois, Champaign-Ubana

Additional Study

Amauta Language School (Spanish) Manu, Peru 
Excel Language School (Spanish) Cusco, Peru 
Instituto de Comunicacion y Cultura (Spanish) Oaxaca, Mexico 
University of Vienna, Austria
Pedagogische Akadamie, Baden, Austria

Courses Taught

Global Issues
Global Perspectives 
Global  Economy

Awards, Honors, and Professional Memberships

2000 National Institute for Staff and Organization Development Award (NISOD)
2000 Fulbright-Hays Seminar Abroad Participant, Summer 2000
1999-pres. International Student Union Faculty Advisor
1999-2000 Social Dancing Club Faculty Advisor
2000 Vietnamese Student Association Faculty Advisor
1999-2000 Vice-President, North, California Colleges for Global Education (CCIE)
1999 Academic Senate Award for Contribution to the College Excellence
1998-2000 USDE Title VI recipient and grant director to develop Global Education Program.
1998-2000 Coordinator for CA State Fund for Student Success-Global Networking Grant
1996 National Institute for Staff and Organization Development Award (NISOD)
1995 Faculty Member of the Year Award given by the Associated Students Body
1984-85 Fulbright Scholar, English Language Advisor to the State of Bahrain

Fast Facts

Traveling highpoints:  Machu Picchu, the Machiguenga in Manu, hearing Tom Jobim’s daughter sing Bossa Nova in Ipanema, Christkindl markets, sausage and beer in Nuremberg and Innsbruck, roast goose in Austria, All-Saints-Eve in Poland, red lanterns in Saigon, acaraje in Salvador, child labor release camps in Kanchipuram, Indian women empowered by micro-credit, the thunder of Iguazu Falls, imperial topaz, seeing Castro speak in person, the green flash at sunset, Christmas at a pueblo in New Mexico, Venice without crowds, a baobab tree in South Africa, the Hagia Sofia, coffee houses in Vienna, raw herring in Holland, Mozart Kugeln, music throughout Salzburg, crossing the street in Saigon, chapulinas in Oaxaca...and still so much more to see and experience.

When not traveling, raises chickens and gardens.

Favorite Quote

The world is the ultimate classroom.  Go explore it.