link Melissa Stewart Profile

Melissa Stewart


Melissa Stewart

Curriculum & Instructional Systems Analyst

Phone: (408)855-5184
Email: [email protected]
Office Location: SEC 331
Department: Office of Instruction


  • Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration
    • Azusa Pacific University
  • Associate of Arts
    • San Joaquin Delta College


Melissa went to college and studied business that lead her to the banking world.  A few years later, she felt that sales and counting cash wasn’t for her, so she went back to school for a teaching credential, which lead her to work with students in K-12 and post-secondary special education classrooms.  After several years of working directly with students on a daily basis in the classroom, Melissa took an opportunity to work on the administrative side at another Bay 10 California Community College.  In January 2017, Melissa found an even better opportunity in a similar role in the Office of Instruction at Mission College and she is delighted to be a part of this community.

Fast Fact

Melissa is the oldest of five children.

Favorite Quote

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." ~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.