link Global Marketing Program

Global Marketing Program

world spinning

Make Data-Driven Decisions

Digital Marketing, Trade & Commerce is about using art, science and quantitative approaches to drive creative, intuitive with data-driven decisions in all aspects of marketing and international business.

Latest Classes

$99 • Saturdays • 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Basics of Exporting • TBA
Expanding Market Globally • TBA
Export Finance • TBA
Trade Show Planning • TBA

Program Description

This program provides you with the tools, knowledge, and framework/s to effectively develop and implement digital marketing, trade & commerce strategies, and other tactics for enterprise, government, and other types of organizations.

This program uniquely adds global digital trade and commerce elements with marketing strategies and data-driven decision making.

Who should attend?

  1. Fresh undergraduates or graduate students who have completed Introductory course in marketing and/or international business (Provide transcript, degree, or certificate.)
  2. Aspiring Digital Marketing and International Business Professionals who are interested in the field of Digital Marketing and International Business. Must have a minimum of two years’ business experience: international marketing, finance, supply chain, logistics, information technology, and related fields. (Provide professional references.)
  3. Currently practicing Marketing and/or International Business Professional intending to upgrade their skills.
    Must have a minimum of two years’ business experience: marketing, finance, supply chain, logistics, information technology, and related fields. (Provide professional references.)
  4. Entrepreneurs, Senior Managers, Executives with more than two years’ business experience who wish to understand the field of Digital Marketing and International Business

Admission Requirements and Deadlines 
  1. Fresh undergraduates or graduate students who have completed Introductory course in marketing or business (Provide transcript, degree, or certificate.)
  2. Aspiring digital marketing professionals who are interested in the field of Digital Marketing. Must have a minimum of two years’ business experience: marketing, finance, supply chain, logistics, information technology, and related fields. (Provide professional references.)
  3. Currently practicing marketing professionals intending to upgrade their skills.
    Must have a minimum of two years’ business experience: marketing, finance, supply chain, logistics, information technology, and related fields. (Provide professional references.)
  4. Entrepreneurs, senior managers, executives with more than two years’ business experience who wish to understand the field of Digital Marketing.

Tuition Cost and Basics

$499 for each course.

Learning Outcomes

This certificate program is designed to provide a comprehensive, formal body of knowledge in this evolving field of expertise.

  1. Learners will gain new knowledge in principles and practice of global digital marketing, trade & commerce; ethics and legal practices; digital technology infrastructure; and digital marketing. Trade & commerce analytics.
  2. Learners will gain new skills.
  3. Able to craft global digital marketing, trade & commerce strategies and tactics.
  4. Implement global digital marketing, trade & commerce strategies and tactics.
  5. Measure global digital marketing, trade & commerce strategies and tactics.