link Trade 101 for Small Businesses

Trade 101 for Small Businesses

Trade 101 for Small Businesses

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Future Webinars

to be announced

Previous Webinars

U.S. Commercial Service Director for Silicon Valley Joanne Vliet
International Logistics

The course provides an integrated and strategic look at logistics in the context of international trade. The webinar will emphasize the development of practical tools and skills that help transport products through importing or exporting.

Export and Import Finance

The basic concepts and principles of finance will be reviewed before participants gain exposure to the tools and mechanisms used to make sound financing decisions. Topics include the role of insurance, developing robust payment solutions for exporting and importing. A review of the principal financial institutions that assist international trade both in the U.S. and among principal U.S. trading partners.

International Market Research / Working in Foreign Markets

Discover the world trade data and analysis by industry. Find out which markets have the greatest opportunities for your industry. Explore the Country Commercial Guides that focuses on trade, policies economic conditions in countries around the world. 

Global Marketing

Instructor Dr Raj Shea
Sponsor: City of Milpitas
Description: This will be the first course in a series of four courses designed to support small and medium sized business navigate international trade.  Trade 101 will focus on the basic from exports, finance and logistic to Global Digital Marketing.