link Adult Ed & High School Agreements

Adult Ed/High School Agreements

Articulated Courses

High School/Adult School


2020- 2022 Articulations
School District School High School Course MC Course CTE Area Current Dept Chair Agreement
CUSD Campbell Adult and Community Ed (CACE) Power Point 2016 CAP 046D - Introduction to Microsoft Powerpoint Computer Applications Chris Zilg, Dept. Chair View Agreement
CUSD Campbell Adult and Community Ed (CACE) Word 2016 CAP 033A - Word Processing Course 1 Computer Applications Chris Zilg, Dept. Chair View Agreement
CUSD Campbell Adult and Community Ed (CACE) Excel 2016 CAP 62B - Microsoft Excel Computer Applications Chris Zilg, Dept. Chair View Agreement
CUSD Campbell Union High School Foods1 - Culinary Arts/Foods2-Culinary Arts FDRST 051/Basic Food Preparation Hospitality Management Daniel Arias. Dept. Chair View Agreement
East Side East Side Union High School District Accounting 1 ACC 023 - Small Business Accounting Accounting Teresa Thompson, Dept. Chair View Agreement
East Side East Side Union High School District Introduction to Business BUS 051 - Introduction to American Business Business Chris Zilg, Dept. Chair View Agreement
East Side East Side Union High School District Economics of Business Ownership BUS 054 -Small Business Start Up and Management Business Chris Zilg, Dept Chair View Agreement
East Side East Side Union High School District Computers and Information Technology CAP 81B - Intro to Microsoft Access Computer Applications Chris Zilg, Dept. Chair View Agreement
East Side East Side Union High School District Computers and Information Technology CAP 62B - Intro to Microsoft Excel Computer Applications Chris Zilg, Dept. Chair View Agreement
East Side East Side Union High School District Computers and Information Technology CAP 46D - Intro to Microsoft Powerpoint Computer Applications Chris Zilg. Dept. Chair View Agreement
East Side East Side Union High School District Computers and Information Technology CAP 33A - Microsoft word Computer Applications Chris Zilg, Dept. Chair View Agreement
East Side East Side Union High School District Exploring Computer Science (ECS) and AP Computer Science Principles (AP CSP) CIS 001 - Intro to Computer Science and Technology Computer Information Systems Dr. Wael Abdeljabbar, Dept. Chair View Agreement
East Side East Side Union High School District AP Computer Science CIS 043- Development with Java Computer Information Systems Dr. Wael Abdeljabbar, Dept. Chair View Agreement
East Side East Side Union High School District Web Page Designs GDS 045 - Web Design and Development Graphic Design Mark Garrett, Dept. Chair View Agreement
East Side East Side Union High School District (Andrew Hill HS) Multimedia GDS 035 - Graphic Design 1 Graphic Design Mark Garrett, Dept. Chair View Agreement
East Side East Side Union High School District Multimedia GDS 035 - Graphic Design 1 Graphic Design Mark Garrett, Dept. Chair View Agreement
East Side East Side Union High School District P-Digital Photo 1 GDS 073 - Digital Photography Graphic Design Mark Garrett, Dept. Chair View Agreement
FUHSD Fremont Union High School District Adult School Business & Finance ACC 060 - Quickbooks Desktop Software Accounting Teresa Thompson, Dept. Chair View Agreement
FUHSD Fremont Union High School District Adult School Medical Terminology (Beginning and Advanced) HOC 001 - Medical Terminology Health Occupations Ms. Marsha Oliver, Dept. Chair View Agreement
FUHSD Fremont Union High School District Adult School Certified Nursing Assistant HOC 19A and HOC 19B - Nursing Assistant Fundamentals and Clinical  Exp Health Occupations Ms. Marsha Oliver, Dept. Chair View Agreement
FUHSD Fremont Union High School District Adult School Home Health Aide (CHHA) HOC 019F and HOC 19G -Home Health Aid Fundamentals Health Occupations Ms. Marsha Oliver, Dept. Chair View Agreements
MUSD Milpitas Unified School District Principles of Accounting #701015 and #701045 ACC 023 - Small Business Accounting Accounting Teresa Thompson, Dept. Chair View Agreement
MUSD Milpitas Unified School District Principles of Finance #700115 BUS 052 - Fundamentals of Financial Investing Business Chris Zilg, Dept. Chair View Agreement
MUSD Milpitas Unified School District Sales & Marketing, Travel, and Tourism #621123 BUS 056A - Marketing Principles Business Chris Zilg, Dept. Chair View Agreement
MUSD Milpitas Unified School District Principles of Technology #700152 CAP 10A - Learning the Keyboard Computer Applications Chris Zilg, Dept. Chair View Agreement
MUSD Milpitas Unified School District Principles of Technology #700152 CAP 046D - Intro to Microsoft Powerpoint Computer Applications Chris Zilg, Dept. Chair View Agreement
MUSD Milpitas Unified School District Foundations Web Design #700223 CAP 62B - Intro to Microsoft Excel Computer Applications Chris Zilg, Dept. Chair View Agreement
MUSD Milpitas Unified School District Principles of Technology #700152 CAP 81B - Intro to Microsoft Access Computer Applications Chris Zilg, Dept. Chair View Agreement
MUSD Milpitas Unified School District Eng #700602, #700503, #700455 ENGR 010 - Intro to Engineering Engineering Bob Schaffer, Dept. Chair View Agreement
MUSD Milpitas Unified School District Intro to Hospitality #621012 FDR 050A - Intro to Hospitality Management Hospitality Management Daniel Arias, Dept. Chair View Agreement
MUSD Milpitas Unified School District Sustainable Tourism #622223 FDR 085 - Foundations for Sustainability in Hospitality, Tourism, and Leisure Services Hospitality Management Daniel Arias, Dept. Chair View Agreement
MUSD Milpitas Unified School District Digital Art #601605 GDS 035 - Graphic Design 1 Graphic Design Mark Garrett, Dept. Chair View Agreement
MVROP Mission Valley ROP Computer Support Specialist CIT 011 - Intro to Computer Hardware and Software Computer Information Technology Dr. Wael Abdeljabbar, Dept. Chair View Agreement
MVROP Mission Valley ROP Entrepreneurship BUS 054 - Small Business Startup & Management Business Chris Zilg, Dept. Chair View Agreement
MVROP Mission Valley ROP Internet Engineering 1 CIT 021 - Cisco Network Computer Information Technology Dr. Wael Abdeljabbar, Dept. Chair View Agreement
MVROP Mission Valley ROP Internet Engineering 2 CIT 022 - Routing Computer Information Technology Dr. Wael Abdeljabbar, Dept. Chair View Agreement
MVROP Mission Valley ROP Culinary Arts FDR 051 - Culinary Arts Hospitality Management Daniel Arias, Dept. Chair View Agreement
MVROP Mission Valley ROP Fire Technology FPT 051 - Fire Protection Organization Fire Technology & EMT David Rose, Dept. Chair View Agreement
MVROP Mission Valley ROP Digital Photography GDS 073 - Digital Photography Graphic Design Mark Garrett, Dept. Chair View Agreement
MVLA Mountain View Los Altos Adult School Accounting 1A and Accounting 1B: Principles of Small Business Accounting ACC 023 - Small Business Accounting Accounting Teresa Thompson, Dept. Chair View Agreement
MVLA Mountain View Los Altos Adult School Quickbooks Pro ACC 060 - Quickbooks Desktop Software Accounting Teresa Thompson, Dept. Chair View Agreement
MVLA Mountain View Los Altos Adult School Excel 2013 CAP 062B - Intro to Microsoft Excel Computer Applications Chris Zilg, Dept. Chair View Agreement
MVLA Mountain View Los Altos Adult School Intro do Java Programming CIS 043 - Software Development with Java Computer Information Technology Dr. Wael Abdeljabbar, Dept. Chair View Agreement
MVLA Mountain View Los Altos Adult School Comp A+ Prep Course CIT 011 - Introduction to Computer Hardware and Software (A+) Computer Information Technology Dr. Wael Abdeljabbar, Dept. Chair View Agreement
MVLA Mountain View Los Altos Adult School Comp Network + Preparation CIT 012 - Introduction to Networking Computer Information Technology Dr. Wael Abdeljabbar, Dept. Chair View Agreement
MVLA Mountain View Los Altos Adult School Home Health Aide (HHA) - Fundamentals/Clinical HOC 019F and HOC 19G -Home Health Aid Fundamentals Health Occupations Ms. Marsha Oliver, Dept. Chair View Agreement
MVLA Mountain View Los Altos Adult School Medical Terminology HOC 001 - Medical Terminology Health Occupations Ms. Marsha Oliver, Dept. Chair View Agreement
MVLA Mountain View Los Altos Adult School Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) HOC 19A and HOC 19B - Nursing Assistant Fundamentals and Clinical  Exp Health Occupations Ms. Marsha Oliver, Dept. Chair View Agreement
SCUSD Santa Clara Adult Education Quickbooks ACC 060 - Quickbooks Desktop Software Accounting Teresa Thompson, Dept. Chair View Agreement
SCUSD Santa Clara Adult Education MS Word Level 1 CAP 033A - Word Processing 1 Computer Applications Chris Zilg, Dept. Chair View Agreement
SCUSD Santa Clara Adult Education MS Word Level 2 CAP 033B - Word Processing 2 Computer Applications Chris Zilg, Dept. Chair View Agreements
SCUSD Santa Clara Adult Education MS PowerPoint level 1 CAP 046D - Intro to Microsoft Powerpoint Computer Applications Chris Zilg, Dept. Chair View Agreements
SCUSD Santa Clara Adult Education MS PowerPoint Level 2 Cap 046E - Intermediate PowerPoint Computer Applications Chris Zilg, Dept. Chair View Agreement
SCUSD Santa Clara Adult Education MS Excel 1 CAP 062B - Intro Microsoft Excel Computer Applications Chris Zilg, Dept. Chair View Agreement
SCUSD Santa Clara Adult Education MS Excel Level 2 CAP 063B - Intermediate Microsoft Excel Computer Applications Chris Zilg, Dept. Chair View Agreement
SCUSD Santa Clara Adult Education Windows 7  CAP 070 - Using Windows 7 Computer Applications Chris Zilg, Dept.. Chair View Agreement
SCUSD Santa Clara COE Intermediate Food Service & Hospitality FDR 051 - Basic Food Prep Hospitality Management Daniel Arias, Dept. Chair View Agreement
SCUSD Santa Clara High School Cisco IT Essentials CIT 011 - Introduction to Computer Hardware Computer Information Technology Dr. Wael Abdeljabbar, Dept. Chair View Agreement
SCUSD Santa Clara High School Cisco CyberSecurity Essentials* CIT 017 - Cyber Security Essentials Computer Information Technology Dr. Wael Abdeljabbar, Dept. Chair View Agreement
SCUSD Santa Clara High School Internet Engineering 1 (AKA) Cisco CCNA Intro to Network CIT 021 - Introduction to Cisco Networks AKA Cisco 1 Computer Information Technology Dr. Wael Abdeljabbar, Dept. Chair View Agreement
SCUSD Santa Clara High School Graphic Design GDS 035 - Graphic Design 1 Graphic Design Mark Garrett, Dept. Chair View Agreement
SCUSD Santa Clara High School Photography GDS 073 - Digital Photography Graphic Design Mark Garrett Dept. Chair View Agreement
SCUSD Santa Clara High School ROP Video Production GDS 074 - Digital Video Production Graphic Design Mark Garrett, Dept. Chair View Agreement
SVCTE Silicon Valley CTE  Mobile Application Design/Comp Coding CIS 060 - Computer Information Systems Computer Information Systems Dr. Wael Abdeljabbar, Dept. Chair View Agreement
SVCTE Silicon Valley CTE  Culinary Arts FDR 050A &  FDR 051 - Intro to Hospitality Management and Basic Food Prep Hospitality Management Daniel Arias, Dept. Chair View Agreement
SVCTE Silicon Valley CTE  Fire Technology & EMS FTP 051 - Fire Protection Organizations Fire Technology & EMT David Rose, Dept. Chair View Agreement
SVCTE Silicon Valley CTE  Medical Science & Health Careers HOC 001 - Medical Terminology Health Occupations Ms. Marsha Oliver, Dept. Chair View Agreement
SVCTE Silicon Valley CTE Center  Medical Science & Health Careers HOC 002 - Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Health Occupations Ms. Marsha Oliver, Dept. Chair View Agreement
SVCTE Silicon Valley CTE Center Medical Science & Health Careers HOC 004 - Workplace First Aid Health Occupations Ms. Marsha Oliver, Dept. Chair View Agreement
SVCTE Silicon Valley CTE Center  Medical Science & Health Careers HOC 006 - Health and Lifestyle Health Occupations Ms. Marsha Oliver, Dept. Chair View Agreement
SVCTE Silicon Valley CTE Medical Assisting HOC 001- Medical Terminology Health Occupations Ms. Marsha Oliver, Dept. Chair View Agreement
SVCTE Silicon Valley CTE Medical Assisting HOC 002- Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Health Occupations Ms. Marsha Oliver, Dept. Chair View Agreement
SVCTE Silicon Valley CTE Medical Assiting HOC 006- Health and Lifestyle Health Occupations Ms. Marsha Oliver, Dept. Chair View Agreement
SVCTE Silicon Valley CTE Medical Assisting HOC  004- Workplace FirstAid Health Occupations Ms. Marsha Oliver, Dept. Chair View Agreement
SCCOE Santa Clara County Office of Education Intermediate Food Service & Hospitality / 98020 FDR 051- Basic Food Preparation Hospitality Daniel Arias, Dept. Chair View Agreement
SCUSD Wilcox High School Empowering Entrepreneurship BUS 054 -Small Business Startup & Management Business Chris Zilg, Dept. Chair View Agreement
SCUSD Wilcox High School Financial Investing BUS 052 - The Fundamentals of Investing Business Chris Zilg, Dept. Chair View Agreement
SCUSD Wilcox High School CHAMPS II (Restaurant Operations) & III (Hospitality & Restaurant Management) FDR 051- Basic Food Preparation Hospitality Daniel Arias, Hospitality Dept. Chair View Agreement
SCUSD Wilcox High School  Video Production GDS 074 - Digital Video Production Graphic Design Mark Garrett, Dept. Chair View Agreement
SCUSD Wilcox High School  Digital Media 1 GDS 035 - Graphic Design 1 Graphic Design Mark Garrett, Dept. Chair View Agreement
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* Must complete prerequiste prior to submitting Request for Articulated credit.