link Fire Internship

Group of Fire Academy 1 students pose in their uniforms in a group.

Fire Prevention Internship

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The Fire Prevention Internship Program is a collaborative effort between Mission College and the Fire Departments that serve Santa Clara County and beyond.

Participation gives Fire Academy 1 or associate's degree-seeking Fire Tech students the opportunity to obtain fire prevention knowledge in the field, gain practical experience for future employment, and to increase the chances of being a successful fire service applicant.

Real-World Experience 

Link your classroom learning with actual job experience in the fire prevention field through assignments as a paid intern in the Fire Prevention Division.

Fire Internship Assignments

Assignments include working one-on-one with deputy fire marshals, fire inspectors, plan examiners, and all other duties performed by the Fire Prevention Division. Learn the inspection process, plan review, record keeping, as well as practice how to apply knowledge in the field while interfacing with the public.

Fire prevention interns complete 10-14 hours per week Monday through Friday during normal business hours. Interns may be assigned to two different agencies and complete up to four semesters for the internship.

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Fire Fighter Academy. A young Latinx fire fighter turns back toward the camera. She has a yellow uniform jacket draped over her shoulder and a yellow fire fighter helmet with goggles on it.
Fire Academy 1

Firefighters must complete a fire academy. The Certificate provides the minimum required training.

Fire Academy
Fire Protection Technology Degree. A male Fire Fighter from behind in his gear during training on campus at Mission College.
Fire Tech Degree

Transfer to a four-year school, meet pre-employment requirements, or advance in your existing career.

A.S. Fire Tech Degree