link Foreign Languages at Mission

students in native Chinese costumes

Foreign Language Classes

We live in a world where the knowledge of more than one language can make a difference in the job market, communication can make or break a business deal, and where international travel is on most people's lists of things to do.

At Mission College, we understand that you are in our classes to fulfill a requirement, beautify your CV, travel, job skills, or to simply enjoy learning a foreign language.

Whatever your objectives may be, we want to help you reach your educational, professional, and/or personal goals. We welcome you to join us in our language learning adventure!

  • Earn a degree (AA) in Spanish.
  • Take courses that satisfy UC and Cal State transfer requirements.
  • Learn a foreign language for fun.

Note: Mission College does not offer an AS/AA degree or Certificate of Achievement in Foreign Languages but does offer a Spanish AA-T degree.

Degrees / Certificates

The following are degrees and certificates in Foreign Languages.

Classes to Consider
Taking a foreign language class can open the doors to other areas on campus, including our HSI-STEM, Puente and Nursing programs.

Try These Language Courses

says welcome in Spanish

Students who major in Spanish can earn a two-year degree to transfer to the four-year school of their choice.

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says welcome in Arabic

Learning Arabic can open up your world to the Middle East.

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says welcome in chinese

Chinese is the most widely spoken language in the world.

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says welcome in French

Did you know that over 220 million people on five continents speak French?

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says welcome in Japanese

Learning Japanese will set you a part and give you a multicultural perspective.

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says welcome in Vietnamese

Did you know that San Jose has the most Vietnamese Americans in the U.S.?

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female student

ESL Courses

Looking to improve your English language skills? See our ESL Department.

ESL Dept

Career Options
  • Airlines/Travel
  • Banking
  • Bilingual Education
  • Consular/Junior Foreign Service
  • Foreign Language Teacher
  • Import & Export
  • Intelligence/Military Service
  • International Business
  • Police Work
  • Social Service
  • Social Security Officer
  • Teacher's Aide
  • Tourism
  • Translator/Interpreter
  • Real Estate
  • RS/State Franchise Tax Board

Some career options require more than two years of college study. Find out more where your career could lead with our Transfer Center.