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Young Artist Concerto Competition

For String, Wind & Brass Musicians

Ages 12-18

Application Guidelines & Steps

  • Must be 12-18 years of age on the date of the Live Audition.
  • Open to string, wind and brass players (piano excluded).
  • For solo instrumentalists only; no duets, trios, etc. allowed
  • First Prize winners from past competitions are not eligible to compete in subsequent competitions.
  1. Complete application form.
  2. A non-refundable $30 registration fee (check made out to Mission College Symphony)
  3. A video (DVD, video clip or YouTube link) of themselves playing one movement from a concerto on the Concerto Repertoire List (from memory)
  4. A copy of the contestant’s birth certificate or other proof of age.



  • First round is judged through the CD/video submission.
  • Finalists will be notified by Email or phone if they are invited to the Live Audition Final Round.  Each applicant will be notified of their performance time at least 2 weeks prior to the live audition date.
  • Finalists in the Live Audition Round will be given a 15 minute live audition.  Finalists will be notified of room location and parking.
  • Live Audition takes place on SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 2018 at Mission College.
  • Judges may request to hear all or any portion of the concerto movement during the audition.
  • Each finalist will provide his/her own accompanist, at their own expense, for the Live Audition.
  • Finalists will provide the judges a copy of the score of the concerto movement being performed at the Live Audition.
  • Three judges will preside; the decision of the judges will be final. 


The first place competition winner will be awarded $300 and will perform the movement played in the Live Audition competition with the Mission College Symphony. They also agree to participate in publicity sessions (if held) and a minimum of 2 pre-concert rehearsals with the orchestra.

The second place winner will be awarded $200 and will be the alternate performer, should the first prize winner be unable to perform the concert.

Honorable mention awards may be named.

Winners agree to allow Mission College to use their names, photographs and videotaped performance in connection with Mission College and Mission College Symphony publicity.

Non-Compliance with any of the rules may result in disqualification.

Past Winners

  • 2014 Irene Jeong (cello)
  • 2016 Ray Wyant (clarinet)
  • 2018 Christine Lee (violin)
  • 2020 (no competition held/next date TBD)


  • Adjudicators will be chosen by the Director of the Young Artist Concerto Competition.
  • Adjudicators will determine which and how many applicants will be invited to the Live Audition round.
  • Adjudicators may request to hear any portion(s) of the concerto during the Live Audition.


  • Joseph Ordaz, Director of Mission College Young Artist Concerto Competition


  • Michael DiGiacinto; Conductor, Winchester Orchestra of San Jose
  • Chag-Hee Lee; Concertmaster, Mission College Symphony
  • Ray Furuta; Music Faculty, Santa Clara University & Mission College


  • Janet Souza, Chair
  • ​Joseph Ordaz, Mission College Symphony