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Master Plan & Construction

Construction Projects and Progress

The following are updates to construction on campus and bond measure updates.

Construction Videos

MT Replacement / Business Tech (time lapse)

Our MT classrooms will be replaced by a two story Business Tech building.

See the slideshow

Time Lapse Video

Embedded Camera

Central Plaza (time lapse)

Slideshow of the progress of replacing our Main Building with a new Central Plaza.

See the slideshow.

Time Lapse Video

Embedded Camera

Baseball Turf Replacement (time lapse video)

The baseball field is getting synthetic turf. Live look at field

See the time lapse video

WRNS Animations of Plaza

WRNS animations of Central Plaza

Twitter Updates

Twitter Updates on Baseball Field

Measure C Updates
Central Plaza (completed April 2021)

overview of future of mission college

Mission College's new central plaza will include:

  • a new central plaza of approximately 190,000 square feet.
  • three exterior canopies approximately 9000 square feet.
  • new landscaping in the center of campus replacing the Main Building.
  • Completion in 2020.

The project is split into 2 increments.

  • Increment 1 is the construction of a new exterior plaza. Improvements include landscape planting and irrigation, concrete and paving hardscape, site lighting, and water fountains. 

  • Increment 2 is the construction of a new 600 foot plaza support building and three exterior canopies; the main canopy, study canopy, and woodlands canopy. The plaza support building will include electrical, audio visual and storage rooms.

overall campus plan

future open space on campus

another view of open space

architect renderings above 

MT Replacement Building (MTR) - under construction

front of MT replacement building

Mission College's replacement and permanent construction of 26 existing transportable buildings on the South side of campus.

  • A 1:1 replacement per the requirements of the CCCCO and 50-50 state funding protocols
  • A 19,838 square foot, two-story building
  • Will house various classrooms, instructional labsl, faculty offices, building support and circulation spaces.
  • The project site encompasses the building footprint and a limited perimeter around the building footprint which totals slightly over one (1) acre of actual site impact.
  • In recognition of the state’s sustainability goals the project minimum target is LEED gold certification.
  • Construction start in Summer 2020.

side of MT replacement building

architect renderings above

Measure W Updates 
Baseball Field Turf Replacement (completed Fall 2020)

saints around the backstop of home plate

This project will provide the services to replace the natural turf with a high grade artificial turf to the existing soccer field including new fencing around the perimeter. The new turf will make the field safer to play on and require less maintenance.

construction completion: Fall 2020 

Community and Theatre Space

Located in the front of Lot A, our community and theatre space.

front of theatre with curved roof

  • 35,000 square foot performing arts facility. 
  • Seating capicty of 400.
  • Include both a stage, lighting, accoustics and classrooms for music and dance.

side of theatre with bikes riding by

view from the top looking down at theatre

theatre from the street

architect renderings above

Child Development Center Renovation (CDC Reno)

This project will renovate the existing 10,234 square foot one-story Child Development Center building. The work will include, but not be limited to, upgrades and/or replacement of the following systems: roof, HVAC, lighting, flooring, ceiling, data/telecommunication, electrical, seismic work, ADA Accessibility, and interior remodeling to meet the program requirements of the college. The renovation will make the building more efficient and enhance instructional delivery by using current teaching methods and modern technology throughout the building.

Estimated construction start: Winter 2021

Child Development Center Swing Space (CDC Swing Space)

This project will install portable classrooms as swing space for newconstruction or renovation of existing buildings.

Estimated construction start: Spring 2020

Outdoor Kinesiology Master Plan 

This project will renovate existing outdoor PE facilities including the baseball field, softball field and tennis courts. In addition, this project will add new facilities such as a sand volley ball complex and a soccer/ multipurpose field. Work will also include a new Team Room Facility, bleachers, site work, and additional parking.

Estimated Master Plan completion: Winter 2020

Library Renovation (Library Reno)

front of library with Mission sign to left

The Library entrance will now open towards the central plaza.

outdoor deck seating

inside of library with seating

round blue seats inside library

inside library with two large windowsThis project will renovate the existing 38,000 square foot one-story Library building. The work will include, but not be limited to, upgrades and/or replacement of the following systems: roof, HVAC, lighting, flooring, ceiling, data/telecommunication, electrical, seismic work, ADA Accessibility, and interior remodeling to meet the program requirements of the college. The renovation will make the building more efficient and enhance instructional delivery by using current teaching methods and modern technology throughout the building. Additionally, the project will support teaching and learning across the campus through enhancement of the library collection.

Estimated program completion: Fall 2022

What is Measure W

In November of 2018 voters passed Measure W 60 to 40 percent •  Election Results

Thanks to the generous support of our community, the West Valley-Mission College Community College District has benefited from the passage of Measure C, Measure H and Measure W to transform our campus from a one building campus in 1979 to the vibrant campus that it is today and into the future.

Measure W is meant for:

  • upgrades in educational facilities/technology
  • preparing students/veterans for 21st-century jobs and university transfer
  • updating science, engineering, math classrooms, labs for STEM/nursing/healthcare careers
  • acquire, construct, repair, classrooms, facilities, sites, equipment.

The Bond authories West Valley-Mission Community College District to $698,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $13/$100,000 assessed value averaging $39,000,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, be approved, with oversight, audits, no money for administrators' salaries/ pensions.  

Completed Projects

Triple A Bond Rating
Triple A Bond Rating

The West Valley-Mission Community College District maintains a Triple-A Bond Rating for spending tax payer money wisely over these two bond measures. 

Completed Projects
New Campus Opening

opened in January 2018 • Take a Google 360 Tour

mission college campus sign

Viso Student Engagement Center

opened in January 2018 • Take a Google 360 Tour

outside of SEC building at dusk

Gary G. Gillmor and Family Academic Center

opened in 2014 • Take a Google 360 Tour

outside of Gillmor Center

James & Vincee Viso Sports and Kinesiology Complex

opened in 2016 • Take a Google 360 Tour

inside the weight room

Freeberg Hospitality Management Building

Refurbished in 2011 • Take a Google 360 Tour

front of hospitality management

Von Raesfeld Family Fire Tower

Take a Google 360 Tour

bottom of fire tower

New Field Turf for Baseball

saints around the backstop of home plate

History of Construction at Mission College
  • 1972 -- Governing Board approves a sister college (later to be named Mission College) to West Valley College
  • January 1973-- Concept for new campus conceived with faculty and staff
  • Spring 1974-- Some 50 community planning sessions were held for input
  • Fall 1975 -- first campus at 3585 Monroe Street in Santa Clara opens. (former Jefferson Intermediate School). Enrollment is 1,000 students and 32 faculty. Warren Sorenson is the first College President.
  • July 9, 1976 -- Groundbreaking on 160-acre site for the Main Building (and current home).
  • September 5, 1979-- Classes begin in the Main Building. The Main Building, housed everything on campus-- faculty and staff offices, classrooms, dance studio, library and even a clothing store.
  • September 9, 1979 -- Gala to open Main Building, which included pancake breakfast hosted by the Optimists Club, an Olympic 10K and 3K Run to raise money for the 1980 Olympic Team, Santa Clara Mayor William Gissler, and Santa Clara Vanguard. Gary Meyers and John Casey, Jr served as master of ceremonies.
  • 1979-- In partnership with the City of Santa Clara, Mission College expanded by adding tennis courts and softball and baseball field.
  • 1980-- Mission Temporary Portables opened to house the influx of students.
  • 1985-- As curriculum grows and a hospitality management program is added, a Hospitality Management building is dedicated and opened.
  • August 27, 1992-- Groundbreaking for the campus gym. Among those present were Santa Clara Mayor Eddie Souza, Mission College presidents Floyd Hogue and Dick Hayden and Board President Nancy Rucker.
  • 1994-- The campus gym opens.
  • 1999-- The Campus Center opens allowing students a place to gather.
  • 2000-- The Telecommunications (TAV) and Library both open.
  • 2001-- Child Development Center I opens.
  • 2002-- Locker rooms are added for the athletics teams and the student body.
  • 2004-- Science building opens.
  • June 2004-- Measure H passes, leading to $350M for both colleges.
  • 2011-- Hospitality Management building is refurbished.
  • 2012-- Child Development Center II opens along with our Instructional Services Building.
  • June 2012-- Measure C passes leading to $235M in bond funding for both campuses.
  • 2014-- The Gary G. Gillmor and Family Academic Center, along with the Fire Tower open
  • 2015-- Facilities building opens
  • 2016-- James & Vincee Viso Sports and Kinesiology Complex opens.
  • January 24, 2018-- Student Engagement Center officially opens with Congressman Ro Khanna leading the ceremonies. Also present were Santa Clara Vice-Mayor Kathy Watanabe, Board President Anne Kepner, Mission President Daniel Peck and the offices of State Assemblyman Kansen Chu and State Senator Bob Wieckowski. Santa Clara Vanguard performed.
  • November 2018-- Measure W passes leading to bond of $698M for both campuses
  • Fall 2020 -- New turf installed for baseball field.
  • April 2021 -- New central plaza opens
  • April 17, 2021 -- first games played on new turf baseball field. A doubleheader sweep of West Valley College.
Previous Bond Measures

Measure W (November 2018) supported by 60% of residents
Bond for $698M for both colleges.

Measure C (June 2012), supported by 60% of residents
Bond for $350M for both colleges.

Measure H (June 2004), supported by 60% or residents
Bond for $235M for both colleges.

The West Valley-Mission Community College District maintains a Triple-A Bond Rating for spending tax payer money wisely over these two bond measures.