link Campus Safety Information & Disclosures

Campus Safety Information

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Mission Alert

If there is an immediate emergency, please dial 911.

District Emergency Information

To report a non-emergency call (408) 299-2311 or (408) 855-5435

List of Phone Numbers to Call in an Emergency

The Mission College Police Office is located in the Campus Center across from TAV and the Library. F6 on the campus map.

To Receive Campus Status Information

West Valley College (408) 867-2200
Mission College (408) 855-5007
West Valley-Mission Community College District (408) 741-2195

Crisis Communications Team

Daniel Peck, President, (spokesperson)
Lori Ranck Vice President of Instruction, (spokesperson)
Niall T. Adler, Director of Public Relations and Marketing,  (spokesperson) [email protected]
Chris Rolen, WVM District Police Chief (spokesperson)

Carl Rushmeyer, District Emergency Services Coordinator
Patrick Ly, Server System Admin, Mission College (backup webmaster)
Don Houston, Manager of Facilities, Mission College
Marsha Hovey, Emergency Consultant

Counterparts / Others
Brad Davis, Chancellor, West Valley-Mission College District (spokesperson)
Stephanie Kashima, President, West Valley College
Scott Ludwig, Director of Public Relations and Marketing, West Valley College
Daniel Niemann, Webmaster, West Valley College
Lisa Schoenthal, Emergency Services Coordinator City of Santa Clara, at (408) 615-4990 or [email protected].

Emergency Communications Plan

Steps (time is the essence in communicating crucial information)

  • Determine whether a situation requires invoking a plan
  • Bring the communication team together
  • Identify key audiences to inform, communicate facts to minimize rumors, restore a sense of confidence
  • Monitor social media channels

Phases of Response Hazard Type (earthquake, fire, active shooter, chemical spill, weather) 

  • What is the hazard?
  • What is the impact to Mission College? the Santa Clara community?
  • What is the potential for it to worsen?
  • Is the situation under control?
  • How long til that happens?

Safety and Property

  • Has a death occurred, or could it?
  • Has a serious injury occurred, or could it?
  • Has a minor injury occurred, or could it?
  • Has there been any damage?
  • How will this effect everyday operations?


  • How soon does the message need to go out? (immediately, minutes, hours, days)
  • Is there time for approval?
  • Whose call is it to send out?

Audience: Students, Students’ Families, Faculty/Staff, Board, District, West Valley College, General Public Public Officials, city, state, News Media

How to communicate: Twitter, Facebook, Website, News Release, Text Messaging, WVM Alerts
How and when should it be used? 

Steps to Response

The Public Relations office (PIO) and official spokesperson will determine the needs for an official statement, contact information and when updates will be made. The PIO staff will develop a set of answers to specific questions (fact sheet) and distribute to various groups, working with various outside groups. Determine who the spokesperson will be and where all information will be assembled (likely the PIO) The PIO will verify all sources of information. In cases of injury or death, the student’s families will be notified first. The spokesperson will determine when information is released.

The PIO office will continue to monitor the situation on various outlets-- social, media requests, information obtained from emergency personnel and issue media updates as needed.

Following the incident, an evaluation of services will be taken. Counseling services, funerals, and other post-traumatic information will be distributed.

Additional Informational Links