link Student's Immigrant Experience

Our Student's Immigrant Experiences

Mission College students come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. On this page we will highlight those stories of student immigrants, with the help of our ESL classes.

Student Stories in Published Form

Encounters with Discrimination 2018 (pdf)
Encounters with Discriminationa 2019 (pdf)

Rosa Sosa alumnae of Mission College

I remember being an excited, nervous, yet eager to learn 17-year-old, fresh out of high school from Mexico. I held an F1 Visa to study in the United States. While taking ESL, Marketing, and Business classes at Mission, I started working at the IIS Office as a Student Assistant. I went on to finish my degree in Business from SJSU and then earned my MS in Global Security and Intelligence Studies.

Rosa Sosa '11

Avionics Cybersecurity Engineer at NASA

Read Her Story
Quotation marks

ESL Students and Discrimination

Instructor Myo Myint's ESL class put together a class project dealing with student's individual experiences with discrimination. Their stories are below.

2018 Student Experiences
Kate Lim
Duong Le

Discrimination within her Family
Full Story by Lim

Discrimination of Being a New Immigrant
Full Story by Le


Phuongchi Pham
Hoang Pham
Dignity over Compensation
Full Story by P. Pham
Discrimination that has stuck
Full Story by H. Pham


2019 Student Experiences
Maria Esparanza
Freshta Ansari

Maria talked about wanting to become a female engineer.

Freshta talked about the discrimination  of being a Muslim.

Martha Flores
Thi Ton

Martha talked about discrimination at her own church.

Thi talks about the discrimination she experienced at the airport