link Student Success Stories
Erika Murillo
Erika Murillo

High School: San Jose High Academy

Mission College
AA – Social Sciences, May 2011

San Jose State University
BA – Behavioral Sciences Anthropology, May 2015

I graduated from Mission College in 2011 with an AA in Social Sciences. I transferred to San Jose State University and received my BA in Behavioral Sciences, Anthropology. I attended Mission College for many yearsand throughoutmany difficult stages in my life. During my time there I met many diverse people and grew as a student and as a person. I was a single woman when I first started, then met my husband, had a child and went on to a four-year university all while working full time.

Everything instructors tell you about the four-year institutions is true. Universities expect you to be mature and responsible; they no longer hold your hand or give you reminders. Also,planning aheadand preparing for exams is critical. But community college can prepare you well. If you study a lot at community collegeand chose amajoryou love can be easier to attend a class because you know what you like and want to learn. You are in college or university because you want to be there not because anyone is making you attend.

My advice to current Mission students is to stick with a class and a plan. If you don’t have a plan, make one. See your counselor routinely. I always did. If I could do community college again, I would have taken courses that intrigued me, like history or dance. Or whatever you have an interest in, take it at a community college level because those classes are expensive laterand alsocould help you determine if a different major is best for you at a university.

I started working for Family Matters In-home Care as an Office Administrator one year after graduation. I worked hard and learned the options available on the career ladder in this field. I have since advanced and have been working as a Care Manager for the past three years. It does amaze me that I found my niche while being giving a chance atsomethingI had no experience in; I found myself and my potential.

Fun fact: “I am a very hard worker and never give up on my goals no matter how many barriers there have been.”