link Ray Rota - Second Harvest
Ray Rota
Ray Rota and 2nd Harvest Foodbank

Ray transferred to Mission College in Santa Clara. Despite working two jobs, he lives in his van because rent is just too expensive in Silicon Valley. Life is far from perfect, but he has access to nutritious food because of you.

Ray found out about Second Harvest’s food distribution on campus soon after he started attending Mission College. He was afraid to ask for help but eventually built up the courage, sharing, “They make it really welcoming. And seeing a line of people made me feel like I belonged.”

Now he picks up groceries once a month. “I know that people who are in these situations where they need extra resources are beyond grateful. It’s a weight off your shoulders.”

Nourished by the community, he’s focused on graduating. Ray is majoring in psychology in hopes of becoming a counselor: “I was a youth minister for about seven years and just being in contact with a lot of youth who have gone through some trauma really influenced me into social work.”

Despite the challenges he faces in Silicon Valley, he believes that his life and wages here are much better than where he grew up. Thank you for keeping Ray’s dreams of a better future alive.

-- from 2nd Harvest Food Bank's newsletter.