link Justin Genvro Testimonial

Justin Genvro Testimonial

Justin Genevro Headshot

Justin Genvro '13

Transfer to UCSF

I attended Mission College in Fall 2011 - Spring 2013. I was accepted to multiple schools, but after much research and suggestions, I decided to go to the University of San Francisco (USF). Mission College was very helpful in this decision. At the time I was at Mission, I started working in Career and Transfer Center; this was one of the greatest opportunities for me in furthering my education.

Unfortunately, while I was at Mission College, I did not earn an AA or an AS because my ultimate goal was to transfer. In the private university system, the requirements for transferring are different and are more flexible.  But I came very close to earning my Hospitality Management AS degree. I still think I may take the few classes to get this degree.

Before I left Mission College, I was given wise counsel on how different the university system is to the community college.  Universities are serious business. You have deadlines to make and if you don’t meet them, you will not succeed.

When I first came to USF, I was very motivated and excited about the new journey in my life, but after a few months of intense reading and papers due every week, it became overwhelming. But I thought about all of the advice I received from Mission College and that helped me persevere for the rest of the semester. The rest is history.

I want to leave a little nugget with all of the current students who are yet hesitating on what school they would like to attend. I would advise you not to procrastinate in your decision.  Do not wait until tomorrow, what you can do today.  The time is now!

I know you are probably wondering if it is an easy journey. Of course not, but I made the best of it. I used all my resources that the school offered including Student Disability Center, Writing Center, CASA (which is like counseling), One Stop (combination of admission and financial aid) and the personal interaction with the teachers.

I must say, within the private institution system, students get to know their professors. This was most benefiting in the areas of my major and foreign language requirement.

If I could do it all again, I would not change anything. For the two years at Mission College, I was able to advance and excel in hospitality, history and my Career and Transfer job. Coming to USF I have succeeded in all areas that I have studied and am looking forward to learning even more in my major. I leave you with as George Washington Carver so plainly says "Where there is no vision, there is no hope."


  • Attended Mission 2011-2013
  • Bachelor's Degree in U.S. History,
    • University of San Francisco
  • Master's in History
    • Norwich University (in Vermont)