link Lina Kawas Testimonial
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Lina Kawas '16

Senior Loan Consultant

Department: Business Department

My parents immigrated from Lebanon, I was born in Florida, I grew up in Chicago, and then spent some time in the Bay after high school. 

I graduated from Mission College in Spring 2016 with an A.S. in Business and transferred to UCSD for the Fall 2016 term. I found a community at Mission with other students who were just as motivated to transfer to a university as I was. I'm so grateful for the people I've met - including all the amazing faculty and staff at the school that helped me reach my journey.

Your time at Mission really is what you make of it. I wanted to get the most out of my community college experience so I decided to get really involved, connect with my professors and peers, and find communities where I felt comfortable. In doing so, I felt like I was surrounded by people who helped me get where I am today. The Honors Transfer Project was probably the primary reason for how smooth my transition has been to university life. It's definitely a lot harder than a CC, but the honors courses and the skills I gained in HTP have prepared me well. 

If you're thinking about transferring to a university - join the Honors Transfer Project. I have met some of my best friends through that program as well as found myself in a community of faculty, staff, and students who all are there to help you get to wherever you want to be. If transferring is not for you - find what is.

There are so many programs and people at Mission that want to help you. If I could go back and start over, I would get even more involved, meet more people, and explore more career options. I would have preferred to take my time in community college; once you're gone - school becomes very serious and you are forced to grow up really fast! 

I'm forever grateful for how Mission shaped my college experience! I will never forget my time there. 


  • Attended Mission 2014-2016
  • A.S., Business Administration
    • Mission College
  • B.A., Economics
    • UCSD

Programs Participated In