link Creating Spaces

Creating Spaces

Creating Spaces Series 

Goal: To create space to encourage Classifieds to have open dialogue and conversation on a range of topics. 

  • Alignment with College: Equity Framework; Call to Action Priority to build open spaces for open dialogue
  • Alignment with Classified Senate Goal: To increase and improve engagement college-wide and district wide by creating opportunities for Safe/Brave Spaces,
  • Related College Values: Social Justice, Equity, Community, Integrity, Curiosity, Inclusivity, Innovation
"For Classifieds, Led by Classifieds."

Creating Spaces Team

Creating Spaces Team 2020

  • Kristal Dela Cruz
  • Kendall Harrison
  • Mario Flores
  • Lusyna Narvaez
  • Vianey Topete

Supported by Ken Songco, Director, Student Equity & Success and Tony Santa Ana, Interim Executive Director, Sr. Consultant & Training Associate at Allied Path Consulting, LLC.

Series Kickoff: Comm[YOU]nity Engagement

  • November 19, 2020 
  • January 26, 2021 (All College Week Repeat Session)

Over the two sessions, we were able to have about 60 of our Classified colleagues connect, learn and have conversation.  Collectively, we heard the importance of community and connection among our colleagues especially in our virtual work environments.  

Below, we highlight the Creating Spaces Team's Pecha Kucha on Core Elements presented at our kickoff session. 

Creating Spaces Spring Series 2021

The team has been developing what Creating Spaces will look like.  This will be our first series and we will focus on the elements of the Mission College Equity Framework. We will learn and connect on how we can incorporate the elements into practice in and out of work. This series is for Classified Professionals. 

February 24, 2021 - Social Justice
Pecha Kucha presented on February 24th -  Social Justice from the Classified Lens

March 24, 2021 - Transparency

April 28,  2021 - Cultural Humilty

May 19, 2021 - Back to CommUNITY Engagement