link Covid-19: CSU & UC Fall 2020 Transfer Information

CSU & UC Fall 2021 Transfer

Information is subject to change.

Wherever you’re at in the transfer process, please know that Mission College recognizes how challenging the move to online instruction and the personal impacts of the COVID-19.

Resources & Upcoming Workshops

Stay in Touch with Counselors

Stay in touch with a counselor at Mission College and the admissions representatives at the universities to which you plan to transfer. Schedule an appointment online to meet with a Mission College counselor, or email [email protected] or call (408) 855-5034.

Important Tips

Check your future student portal frequently! Universities will post messages, update your To Do List, and display the status of your application.

Information is changing quickly, so please stay up to date by checking the Counseling and the Transfer Center websites often.


How to Fill Out Application Videos

Filling Out a UC TAG Application.

Filling Out a UC Transfer Application

Why Fill Out the UC Application Personal Insight Questions

Filling Out a CSU Transfer Application


University of California
How will COVID-19 impact University of California (UC) transfer admissions policies and procedures?

The top five things the UC Recommends Counselors Communicate To Students

  1. Continue with your Spring 2020 classes as best as possible.
  2. Stay in your major prep classes or classes needed to meet the minimum UC admissions requirements, if you can. These classes are the priority.
  3. The UC understands information is fluid at this time. They will communicate as decisions are made and policies are updated.
  4. Participate in admitted student events; engage with admissions staff now.
  5. If you have any issues, contact the campuses to which you have been admitted directly.

UC Articulation Agreements

Community Colleges received official word from the University of California Office of the President that the UC system as a whole would accept any currently articulated classes for transfer even if the class moved from face-to-face format to online format.

“The University has temporarily suspended some of its requirements for admitted students to ensure that they are able to enroll as planned. It also expects to work with students to adjust financial aid packages if family financial circumstances have changed.”

Will the UC deadline for the Statement of Intent to Register be extended?

The deadline to accept an offer of admission remains June 1. Students who need additional time, or who need a deferment of a deposit, should contact their campus admissions office directly. Requests will be considered individually by each campus providing maximum flexibility to students needing extensions, and individual campuses have the authority to extend the deadline for accepting admission offers beyond May 1 or June 1.

If a campus has extended its admissions deadline, they will notify admitted students directly. To inquire about receiving an extension, contact your admissions office or use the messaging tool provided within the admitted students' portal.

Will classes taken for P/NP be accepted for UC transfer?

Classes taken for P/NP can transfer to the UC. UC has temporarily suspended its cap on Pass/No Pass (Credit/No Credit) units required to enroll at a UC campus as a junior. Any courses taken with Pass/No Pass or Credit/No Credit grading in the winter, spring and summer terms of 2020 will not count toward UC’s limit of 14 semester/21 quarter transferable units. “P” grades are equivalent to a grade of C or better. “NP” grades are equivalent to a grade of D or F and do not transfer.

Completing major preparatory coursework with letter grades may be an admissions factor for individual campuses. In such cases, departmental faculty and campus admissions offices have been encouraged to be as flexible with fall 2020 transfer students as possible. Inquire with the campus admissions office if you have questions or concerns.

Will UC accept Pass/No Pass (Credit/No Credit) grading in courses required for my major?

Each campus sets its own selection requirements, which may include an expectation of letter grades in major preparatory coursework. While all campuses have been encouraged to be as flexible as possible, you’ll need to check with each campus individually for guidance on whether completing remaining major pre-requisites in spring/summer 2020 for a Pass or Credit grade will impact a decision.

Currently, UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Riverside, UC San Diego and UC Santa Barbara have agreed to accept Pass or Credit grades in major preparation completed in spring 2020.

Will there be flexibility by the UC to take classes in the summer?
Yes, so long as you meet minimum admissions requirements by the time you enter UC in the fall; this includes completion of 60 semester/90 quarter transferable units and the 7-course pattern, as well as attainment of a minimum 2.4 GPA (2.8 for nonresidents).

Completing minimum requirements by spring is a selection criterion used by many of our campuses. Students who will need summer coursework to meet minimum requirements due to spring course cancellations should work directly with their UC campus admissions office to determine any potential impact on an admission decision.

Are international students still required to submit a TOEFL or IELTS score?
Yes. If an applicant for transfer admission completed secondary school/high school in a country where English was not the language of instruction, s/he must demonstrate English proficiency.

Will the deadline to submit final transcripts to UC be extended?
Students will not have their admission offer rescinded over a missed transcript deadline, however, UC continues to request that transcripts be submitted by July 1 if at all possible. Students will retain their admission status through the first day of class until official documents are received by campuses.

Can students be considered for additional financial aid if their income has changed due to COVID-19?
The University understands that families’ financial circumstances may have changed or may change in the coming months. If that’s your situation, please visit the campus financial aid office website.

Many have financial aid calculators that can help you determine whether recent changes to your income could increase your financial aid package. Campus financial aid websites also have contact information, including the best way to reach the financial aid office during remote operations for further assistance.

UC campuses will work with families over the summer to review their eligibility for financial aid.

UC Admitted Students Events & Admissions Contact:
UC events and Admissions contacts

Bookmark these important UC websites to stay up to date!
UC Eases Admissions Requirements
UC Response on Admissions due to COVID-19

California State University
How will COVID-19 impact California State University (CSU) transfer admissions policies and procedures?

Will the CSU deadline for the Statement of Intent to Register be extended?
CSU campuses are individually considering their extension of intent to enroll and/or housing deposit deadlines. Intent to enroll deadlines will consider the campus’ capacity to provide timely information regarding financial aid awards to students and families. More information will be forthcoming.

Will classes taken for P/NP be accepted for CSU transfer?
The CSU campuses will accept "Credit" or "Pass" for transferable college courses completed in winter, spring or summer 2020 taken to satisfy:

  1. The Golden Four (English language [A2], oral communication [A1], critical thinking [A3], and mathematics/quantitative reasoning [B4]);
  2. All other General Education courses; and
  3. Major prerequisite courses. The word prerequisite in this case applies to lower division courses required for the baccalaureate major.

“P” grades are equivalent to a grade of C or better. “NP” grades are equivalent to a grade of D or F and do not transfer.

Will the deadline to submit final transcripts to CSU be extended?
CSU campuses will continue to accept transcripts through the fall 2020 term. CSU campuses will not rescind conditional offers of admission based on the non-receipt of transcripts. If a student is not able to provide an official transcript, due to extended school closure, CSU campuses may use unofficial or self-reported data for spring or summer grades and graduation status. New transfer students will remain in a conditionally admitted status until the CSU campus receives a final transcript document and review of the transcript for admission requirements is completed.

CSU Articulation Agreements
Community Colleges received official word from the CSU Office of the Chancellor that the CSU system as a whole would accept any currently articulated classes for transfer even if the class moved from face-to-face format to online format.

Will there be flexibility by the CSU to take classes in the summer?
CSU campuses will clear admission for upper-division transfer applicants with 48 semester or 72 quarter transferable units who have completed English Language (A2) and mathematics/quantitative reasoning (B4) by the start of fall 2020 (including courses taken in summer 2020).

  1. CSU campuses will work with students to enroll in the appropriate general education and major preparation courses to fulfill lower division requirements prior to enrolling in major coursework.
  2. Students will still need to fulfill all major requirements to receive their degree.

If a student has not completed at least 48 transferable units and fulfilled A2 and B4 requirements after review of their final transcript document, at that time, campuses may use admission exceptions on a case by-case basis.

Students should in no way assume that enrollment in Fall 2020 CSU courses means that an exception will be automatically granted.

Will the CSU deny students that don’t complete an ADT they reported on their CSU application?
A transfer student who anticipated completing an Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) that enrolls for fall 2020 without completing the ADT and has matriculated with less than 60 units completed would need to obtain a special advising agreement at the CSU campus of enrollment.

Will the CSU allow students to defer enrollment to Winter or Spring 2021?
If a student that was conditionally accepted for fall 2020 chooses to remain at their community college to finish their transfer requirements or ADT degree, the CSU campus may defer their admission to winter/spring 2021 terms. This action will be at the discretion of the individual CSU campus.

Important CSU Website

Bookmark this important CSU website to stay up to date! Community College Guidance – Incoming Transfers