link Take an Astronomy Class

Mission College Astronomy and Physics classes - in-person.

Take an Astronomy Class

Observe and Analyze the Universe

Ever wonder what's up in the sky? Mission College astronomy classes take place on earth, but look up towards the sky.

Examine the origins of the solar system, the galaxies, and the evolution of our own sun. Study the stars that fill the night sky.

  • Classes require little math.
  • Astronomy is one of the most sought after general education class.
  • Honors Project students take advanced courses in Astronomy.

Note: Mission College does not offer an AS/AA degree or Certificate of Achievement in Astronomy.

Astronomy Classes

Astronomy Courses

student in front of class
STEM at Mission

Mission STEM 
Two students work together at a markerboard. Both are of Asian descent. The male student wears a light blue shirt and bowtie, he draws on the board. The young woman stands near him and observes/listens.
Honors Program

  • Work with outstanding instructors and motivated students.
  • Most Honors courses meet IGETC and CSU GE-B transfer requirements.
  • Honors recognition on transcripts and graduation.

HONORS Program
Courses to Consider
See all Courses
A young man with curly dark hair, a dark blue hoodie, and earbuds in looks into the viewfinder of a large telescope.
Astronomy (AST 001)

An intro to the the entire panorama of the universe, the solar system, stars, galaxies, and cosmology. 

The earth is pictured from space.
Astrobiology - Life in the Universe (AST 004)

Examine the astronomical influences on life on Earth and the possibility of life other places in the Universe.

A young man with red hair and a NASA baseball hat adjusts a telescope for a Astronomy event on campus. He is smiling.
Astronomy with Lab (AST 003)

A course that includes practical lab experience with Astronomy using computers and other equipment. 

A galaxy in the night sky.
Astronomy with Lab Honors (AST 003H)

An Honors Transfer Project version of AST 003 that covers the entire panorama of the universe.

Young woman of South Asian descent wears glasses and explains a science project during a MESA event.


MESA students are offered opportunities to improve STEM skills while receiving professional development. The program produces students ready to advance their education in math, science, engineering, and technology at four-year colleges.

MESA Program