link Child Development Frequently Asked Questions

Child Development FAQs

How do I get my child(ren) on the waitlist?

Full Fee Families

You will need to fill out a Preliminary Enrollment Application and pay the $50 wait list fee (application and fee per child.) You may either drop off the payment in person or mail it to the address below.*

Make Check payable to Mission College Child Development Center or MC-CDC.

Mission College Child Development Center
3000 Mission College Blvd. MS# 6
Santa Clara, CA 95054

* Please note: Please include your child's full name on the memo line of the check.

Subsized Families

You will need to fill out a Preliminary Enrollment Application with completed information. If your application is missing information, we will be contacting you about your specific situation.

It is a possibility that we may be requesting additional documents to verify your need during this application process.

* Please note: If you fail to provide our office with the requested documents within two weeks, your application will be dropped as a potential enrollment, and you will have to reapply again.

What ages does your center provide care for?

We currently provide child care services from six weeks to entry to first grade.

Is the CDC program open year round?

Mission College CDC program is open year round. Please refer to the calendar for the days that CDC will be closed calendar.

Does my child have to be potty trained for the Toddler and Preschool groups?

No, it is not a requirement. We will work with your child when he/she is ready to begin the toilet learning process in all the age groups.

Is there a waiting list and how long is it?

Yes, there is a waiting list. Depending on your child s age group, you may be on the waitlist for as little as a week or as long as a year (depending. You may fill out the preliminary enrollment form to join the waitlist. 

Why is the waiting list so long?

There are several reasons why our waiting list may be so long.

Lower Group Sizes/ Lower Ratios - We have a limited group size in each classroom and we do not enroll unless there is a vacant space.

Transition only once a year - We practice continuity of care, where children stay in the same age group throughout a year. Other centers move their children up individually. (For example, when a child is crawling, walking, turns 1, etc.)

Priority Waitlist - We have priority waiting lists. It is as follows:

Full Fee

  1. Sibling priority (for children with siblings already enrolled in the center)
  2. Students of Mission College/ Employees of the College
  3. Community open to everyone not on priority lists

Subsidized (income guideline restricted)

  1. Sibling priorities
  2. CPS referrals
  3. Lowest per capita income

How do I know if I qualify for subsidized child care?

Anyone applying for subsidized child care will also be referred to the CEL (Centralized Eligibility List) for Santa Clara County. For more information on the CEL please visit the Santa Clara County 4C Centralized Eligibility List (4C CEL). This site will help you apply for child care assistance.

I have 4Cs (Community Child Care Council)/CalWorks/ PaceAPP/Choices 4 Children/other Alternative Paying Agency(APA.) Do you accept funding from them?

Yes, however you will still be placed on a waiting list. In this case, please state on Preliminary Enrollment Application if you are a student at Mission College.

Can I come in for a tour? 

We are not currently offering tours, but check back as the situation around COVID-19 evolves and restrictions are lifted. 

Do I have to provide food for my child’s day?

Meals are included! The CDC particpates in the CACFP program (Child Adult Care Food Program) which reimburses the cost of our meals. This applies for all families enrolled.

The meals  are well-balanced and nutritious. Breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack are provided and prepared on-site. We practice "family style dining," where the children and teachers dine together. 

I'm on the waiting list already, now what?

You may call or email us, to see where you are on the waitlist. 

Check in every couple of months to see where you are on the waitlist. During the beginning of August, enrollment changes will begin.

Please call or email to update any contact information as it changes, so that we can contact you when a space becomes available.

I was offered a spot, what happens now?

You are given five days to respond. If you fail to respond, you will remain on the waitlist, and the next family will receive your spot.

If you are no longer interested in the Center, please contact us and we will remove you from the waitlist.

I accepted the spot offered to my child, what is the enrollment process?

If you are a full-cost family, you will be asked to pay a yearly equipment and enrollment fee. All your waitlist fee ($50) will go toward your enrollment fee. 

These fees may change so please refer to our current Tuition Schedule.

In addition to the fees, you will be required to pay your tuition based on your date of enrollment in full. We will give you the total amount due.

ENROLLMENT APPOINTMENT - After your payment has been received, you will receive a packet of documents that you will need to complete. You will also receive the CDC calendar of days closed, and a Parent Handbook.

An appointment will be made with the Program Specialist to go over these documents, and to sign additional documents such as Contract Hours. At this appointment, we will also set up an Orientation for you and your child(ren) to visit the center.

ORIENTATION - The orientation is mandatory, and you will not be able to start at the center without this initial visit. The orientation allows you and your child to meet with the teachers and other children in the classroom. The teachers will go over classroom schedules, what you will need to bring, and talk to you about any concerns you may have with your child.

The duration of Orientation is up to you. We would like you to set at least an hour aside, but encourage you to stay half a day or more and join in the activities including eating lunch with the class.


How is the waitlist updated?

Throughout the year, the MCCDC Program Specialist or Office Coordinator will contact families via email to update their status on the waitlist. In addition to email, you may receive a courtesy call via phone for an update.

If we do not receive a response via email or phone, you may lose your rank. However, we do understand that life events may occur and will try to accomodate. If a family responds after three days, status/rank may remain based on accord of the Program Director.

Families can remain on the waitlist for a maximum of two years then they will have to re-apply.

Please note: depending on our enrollment, spaces can be available throughout the year. For example, when a family drops from the program that opens an immediate space for the next family based on their rank.

When is the waitlist reviewed?

Early to mid-May of each year, the Program Specialist and Director will review the current waitlist and provide status update to all families on the waitlist. For families that are eligible to enroll, will have three days to respond.

Families that are not ready to enroll at the time of contact, the space will be available to the next family based on their rank.

How does the ranking system work?

There are four categories that are placed on our waitlist; Subsidized Families, Mission College Students, Intel and Community. Each category is ranked based on their preliminary enrollment status.

For example, if an Intel employee is placed on the waitlist in 2017, they will have a higher rank than an Intel employee that is waitlisted in 2018 (depending on availability).

Will I receive notification when I am selected for enrollment?

When spaces are available, families will receive a notification based on rank. Followed by a notification of provisional acceptance and steps to complete the enrollment process.

If you have additional questions, please call the Child Development Center at (408) 855-5173.