Step 4: Plan Next Steps
Meet with a counselor to create a comprehensive educational plan that will lead you to your educational and career goals.
Check out other helpful ideas and resources below.
Career & Lifestyles Course
Want more in-depth Career Exploration? Take this fun and interactive 3-unit transferable class that provides you with career assessments and will give you many opportunities to discuss, analyze, and reflect on career paths in a supportive environment with classmates who are also exploring their pathways. Class is offered year-round in different learning formats.
Search on the class schedule: COUNSELING 012: Careers & Lifestyles
Conduct Informational Interviews
Interview with professionals in careers you’re interested in to see what it's really like to work in that career/industry. What’s more, this could lead to networking and job opportunities!
Volunteer Locally
Or, find paid internships and job opportunities that may be related of your major/career path. This is a fantastic way to develop your skills and gain experiences while working toward your goals.
Find ways to get involved! You would be surprised by how many professionals found their career path through ‘chance’ events.
Talk with your instructors who teach classes related to your major/career plans. These professionals have lots of great knowledge and connections to tap into.
Join a Student Club
Clubs are an excellent way to meet like-minded students.
Participate in campus community events, including our annual job fair through the Career Services Center.
Big Interview - Practice Interviewing
Big Interview is a great resource Mission College students can access to practice interviewing. After you land an interview, you can learn and practice your interviewing skills through interactive mock interviews, record your interview responses, and meet with a counselor for feedback.