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DSPS Resources

DSPS Device Return 

Borrowed devices must be returned at the end of each semester, unless you have received permission to retain the device for the next semester.  Items may be returned in person to the DSPS Office, Room CC 240, Campus Center.  Check the DSPS homepage for current office hours.  Please email us if you have any questions or need to make special arrangements to return the item(s). 

Help with Canvas

Mission College uses the Canvas Learning Management System.  LSR 943, Negotiating the College Web and Asstistive Technology Environment, introduces students to Canvas and covers other important skills. Search Courses for Spring 2022 LSR Course sections. View all LSR Course Descriptions.

Policies and Procedures

View and download DSPS Policies & Procedures. 

DSPS Tutoring

One-on-one tutoring appointments with our supportive tutors will be available for the Spring 2022 semester. DSPS Tutors are experienced in working with students with a variety of disabilities.  For more information, contact the DSPS Program Specialist via email

CA Department of Rehabilitation

Connect with CA Department of Rehabilitation through Mission College. We can put eligible students in touch with a DOR Counselor for services evaluation. Email us for more details.

Resources for Students and Families

Food, financial, technology, counseling, mental health, and other kinds of assistance are available at