link MTT Advisory Commitee Members

MTT Program Advisory

MTT Program Advisory Committee

Engineering & Manufacturing Industries

  • Kelli Dutra, Director of Manufacturing, Cobham Advanced Electronic Solutions
  • Chris Engdahl, Vice President of Manufacturing, Crystallume
  • Dave Wolf, Senior Instrumentation and Controls Technician, Santa Clara Valley Water District
  • Labor and Workforce Development
  • Carly Colvin, , Workforce Development Coordinator, NextFlex
  • Lawrence Thoo, Strategic Engagement Manager, work2future, City of San Jose
  • Victor Farlie, Senior Executive Analyst, Office of Economic Development, City of San Jose
  • Mark Martin, Regional Director, Advanced Manufacturing Workforce
  • Development, Bay Area Community Colleges
  • Dr. Fred Barez, Dept Chair, Mechanical Engineering & Mechatronics, San Jose State University
  • Jim Burnham, Faculty, MetroED High School & Former Engineer, Xillinx
  • Dr. Robert Schaffer, Dept Chair, Engineering & Mechatronic Tech, Mission College
  • Albert Wong, Faculty, Engineering & Mechatronic Tech, Mission College
    Mission College Administration
  • Rob Gamble, Director, Business and Workforce Development
  • Jeff Pallin, Dean, Business, Technology, and Kinesiology
  • Clement Lam, Dean, Math, Science and Engineering