link Computer Access and Study Space in Library

Donnell works with a male student in the library at Mission College.

A Quiet Place to Study

The Mission College Library is open to students registered for Fall 2021 courses for study space, Proctorio test-taking or Cranium Cafe use in a private room, open computer lab use, printing, in-library use of reserve materials and for book check-out. In-person research assistance from the librarians will be available during limited hours, and will also continue online.

More information, current hours, and access to online librarian help can be found on the library webpage. 

Students who will be working in the library will be asked to sign-in.  Please be prepared to give your Student ID number or student email when asked for sign in.  Photo ID may be requested. 


Where is the Library?

The Library is the first building on your right as you enter campus from the main entrance. . 

Where to Park

Mission College will be providing all registered students with Fall 2021 semester length parking permits at no cost. To receive a permit at no cost, log into My Mission Portal, and use the “Student Permit” link to place your order.  This permit will allow you to park in lots designated for student parking across campus.

In addition, there is limited free parking for students using the Library. You may park in the visitor parking lot, in front of the Student Engagement Center.  No permit is required for these parking spaces at this time.  The lot is located to the left of the traffic/bus circle and is located at H6 on this map. Students will be allowed to park in this lot for up to four hours. You do not need to have a parking permit displayed during this time.