International Students
International Success Stories
Our students go on to become leaders in business, engineering, science, and in the arts. Learn more. Do you have a story to share? Submit via our form to be featured here.

While enrolled in the Graphic Design and Multimedia Program, I formed a team with two other classmates from my Design Agency and Branding class and won the Silicon Valley Business Journal’s annual $25,000 Create-a-thon. We secured $25,000 of free advertising for our client, Lil Bites Bakery. After graduation, I have been fortunate to work with Google's Experience Studio team, who share the same goal of creating powerful experiences for everyone.
Laksmi Venkatesh '16
Graphic Designer

I remember being an excited, nervous, yet eager to learn 17-year-old, fresh out of high school from Mexico. While taking ESL, Marketing, and Business classes at Mission, I started working at the IIS Office as a Student Assistant. I went on to finish my degree in Business from SJSU and then my MS in Global Security and Intelligence Studies.
Rosa Sosa '11
Avionics Cybersecurity Engineer at NASA

My educational journey at Mission College began in Spring 2020 with the IIS program. I am so happy I took a semester of Intensive English because certainly a great part of my success is due to the language foundation I acquired during this time. I learned how to evaluate sources, develop effective writing skills, and learn reading comprehension techniques, all of which are fundamental skills for college.
Danna Estupian Current Student
From Colombia to Communications

I chose Mission College because of the excellent reputation for its Intensive English program and STEM courses. Mission prepared me for the rigorous academic work at UC Berkeley. I'm the son of a physics teacher in Vietnam, and I've always dreamed of being a physicist. In the spring of 2015, I graduated from UC Berkeley with a Bachelor of Science in Physics.
Pham Hao '13
Earned Bachelor's Degree in Physics from UC Berkeley

My journey from Vietnam to America started at the Institute for International Studies (IIS). Because of my limited English, I enrolled in the IIS classes to improve and learn about the academic expectations and culture in the U.S.
Vy Tran '11
Master's Student and Researcher for NASA

After graduation from Mission, I received a job offer as a Junior Designer at Apple. After two years of contracting, I earned the title of Senior Visual Designer at Intuit. English in my second language I am originally from Russia. Mission college gave me a good knowledge of English through my ESL classes. When I studied Graphic Design my teachers gave me good practical knowledge.
Svetlana Veldanova '21
Certificate in Graphic Design

I am now a straight A student and was accepted to six California State Universities! My secret was utilizing the Net Tutor program and office hours with professors. When I reached out to my professors and shared that I was an international student and needed help, I always got help. I loved being a student athlete and plan to continue playing baseball.
Yamato Goto '21
International Student Athlete

I went to America to get a college education in Hospitality Management after working for two famous restaurants in Vietnam. While at Mission, I won six scholarships and worked as a prep cook at the Child Development Center, gaining real-world experience. Mission is my second home!
Thong Nguyen '17
Hospitality Management

When I first came to Mission College from Morocco, I was nervous about public speaking. My teachers have taught me how to prepare and give presentations. Now, I feel confident when I get up and speak in front of an audience. I even won a speech tournament. After my time at Mission studying Graphic Design, I attended SJSU and earned a Bachelor's in Business Administration.
Basma Baiya '18
From Morocco to Mission

Studying at Mission was the best decision I have ever made. Mission College provided me everything I needed for my success. I took advantage of all the resources available. Upon return to my country in 2014, I began working for the National Department.
Luis Gutierrez '14
Leader and Agent of Change in Colombia

Mission College prepared me to succeed as a transfer student at the University of Iowa, by preparing me with supportive faculty, and a vibrant student community. After graduation from Iowa, I landed a job as an Associate Data Analytst with a global logistics company in Hong Kong. I help my company find ways to improve our data models and save both time and money on customer shipping.
Chan Humphrey '17
Business Analyst and Former ASG Marketing Director

Video Testimonials
Advice on Coming to Mission
Students from Mission College's International Center give advice to incoming students in regards to navigating their new home.
New Experiences in America
Mission College international students talk about their sometimes very different experiences in a new country.
Breaking the Language Barrier
International Students from Mission College in Santa Clara talk about how they broke through the language barrier in their new country.
First Time in America
International Students share their first time in America.
Rosa's Story
From Mexican immigrant to Master's student, Rosa Sosa is a success story.
Danes Visit Mission
Danish exchange students talk about their experiences.