link Academic Directions Committee

Type of Committee: Constituent Group
Sub-Committee Reports to: Academic Senate


Serves as a standing subcommittee of the Academic Senate to provide support to the Senate and the College for the examination and the maintenance of college goals that meet the needs of the students at Mission College, including the following:

  1. Review ideas for new programs to determine whether they meet college goals and student needs and make recommendations to the Senate regarding whether the program should be allowed to go forward through the full approval process;
  2. Provide guidance and support for new program development once the program has passed through Senate pre-approval;
  3. Provide guidance and assistance to departments seeking to improve, strengthen, or augment their programs;
  4. Assist existing programs that have identified as needing revitalization and track their progress through the Program Revitalization process;
  5. Make recommendations to the Senate to move forward with Program Discontinuance for programs that cannot be successful, as shown by a failure to benefit from the Program Revitalization process;
  6. Work with other constituent groups to forge consensus on matters pertaining to the balance of curriculum and make recommendations to the Academic Senate and the College on matters pertaining to balance of curriculum.