link Career and Technical Education (CTE) Committee

Subcommittee Reports to: Academic Senate

Charge: The Career and Technical Education (CTE) Committee serves as a standing subcommittee of the Academic Senate to provide support to the Senate and the College  through the following:

  1. Develop strategies to help Mission College students succeed in identifying and achieving their educational and career goals.
  2. Provide administrative guidance and organizational support for CTE departments, programs and advisory committees.
  3. Collaborate with and advise the CRC on CTE curriculum.
  4. Effectively communicate State policies, opportunities, and guidelines regarding CTE programs.
  5. Communicate and review specific CTE funding sources and opportunities, and participate in the writing and administration of CTE-related grants.
  6. Collaborate and communicate with other key Mission College committees such as GAP, Technology Committee, and Grants Committee.

CTE Committee By-Laws