link Facilities/Safety Committee

Type of Committee: Participatory Group – with specific areas being represented
Committee reports to: College Council (formerly known as GAP)

Committee Charge:
FSC oversees college facilities related issues including maintenance, space allocation, remodeling and construction. The committee will facilitate the college's emergency preparedness plan. FSC will assist the college in determining its response to the accreditation self study and will make recommendations College Council regarding how the college can better meet the facilities mandates.

  1. Recommend, monitor and review policies and procedures that affect the health and safety of the college community to the president.
  2. Continually evaluate the effectiveness of the policies and procedures which affect the health and safety of the college community.
  3. Develop and update a Facilities Implementation Plan, an Emergency Preparedness Plan and a Facility Rental Plan for the President’s review and approval.
  4. Identify and prioritize facility and grounds maintenance, modification and signage projects for funding by CBAC or District Facilities.
  5. Identify and prioritize American’s with Disabilities Act facility and grounds projects that make Mission College more accessible to students with disabilities.
  6. Conduct regular inspections of our facilities and grounds and make recommendations to correct deficiencies noted to District Facilities or develop budget proposals to submit to CBAC.
  7. In consultation with District staff, identify ergonomic furniture needs.
  8. Identify and prioritize the upgrade of existing office furniture.
  9. Receive and resolve complaints about facilities and grounds from the college community.
  10. Keep the college informed about facility and grounds issues.
  11. Review safety related incidents and accidents as reported by Student Health Services and Public Safety.
  12. Monitor, recommend and manage space allocation, including faculty offices, and space conversion and “infill."


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