link Sustainability Committee

Type of Committee: Participatory Group
Sub-Committee Reports to: College Council

* Membership open to students and staff of Mission College as well as community members- we are actively recruiting

* Anyone is invited to attend open meetings held online the second Wednesday of the month from 3 to 4:30pm

CONTACT: Jean Replicon, Committee chair       [email protected]



  1. Committee will act as a resource and knowledge base for campus sustainability to help Mission develop a “green” identity, by engaging in outreach and advocacy that is student and community focused.
  2. Committee will support institutional planning activities, implementing goals that are compatible with the college’s sustainability plan,  especially those that address sustainable options for transportation, supporting students in meeting one of their basic needs.
  3. Committee will encourage the college and district to audit and assess resource usage data and set attainable goals for progressive resource reduction, advocating for ways to minimize waste and increase recycling campus wide.