link Mission College Publications Lists

The following are printed collateral Mission College created for print purposes and used by various departments.

State and National Awards (since 2018)

  • CC Pro First Place 2018 - Newsletter, Schedule, Catalog
  • CC Pro First Place 2019 - Social Media Management
  • CC Pro First Place 2020 - Women's Basketball Photo at Sunset (by John Todd/ISI Photos)
  • NCMPR Gold Paragon Award 2019 - Fire Tech Video (by Bud Anderson/DangerBrain)
  • NCMPR Silver Paragon Award 2020 • Catalog
  • NCMPR Bronze Medalion 2019 - Website
  • CC Pro 2nd Place 2018 - Poster
  • CC Pro 2nd Place 2020 - Catalog, Schedule, Flyer
  • CC Pro 3rd Place 2018 - Banner/Outdoor Media
  • CC Pro 3rd Place 2021 - Catalog

Student Services Collateral

General Collateral

Department Collateral

Bus/VTA Advertising

Local Mall Advertising


Vargas Gallery (2016-17)

Library / Speaker Series
