link English as a Second Language Placement

Four students in tshirts pose with their arms around each other in front of a building on campus.

ESL Placement

All students with a goal of a degree or transfer and seeking ESL instruction, have a right to access for-credit academic ESL courses. 

Enroll in ESL Courses for Credit

If you want to take for-credit ESL courses, ESL 940 or above, you MUST complete the placement process.

ESL Placement

Enroll in Noncredit ESL Courses

We also offer noncredit beginning English as a Second Language courses for beginning speakers who want to improve their English skills. 

Students with beginning English skills who want to take our noncredit courses, NCE 910, NCE 920, or NCE 930, do not need to complete the ESL Placement Process.

If you are unsure whether you should take credit or noncredit courses, please see this information sheet. Viewing and considering the entire ESL course sequence may also help you identify the right place for you.

Before Taking Your ESL Placement Assessment
  1. Apply to Mission College online.
  2. Receive a Mission College Student ID number before completing the required online ESL Placement Process.
What Does the Placement Process Involve?

The ESL Placement Process will take about an hour. You will read, write, and answer questions about what you can do in English now. There are three parts:

  • You will read and suggest the reading level that is right for you.
  • You will think about what you can do now listening and speaking in English. You will suggest the listening and speaking level that is right for you.
  • You will write for 30 minutes on a specific topic. You will suggest the writing level that is right for you.

When you are finished, ESL instructors will look at your writing and your suggestions, then place you into your ESL courses. You will receive your ESL Placement results in two to three business days.

Your results will be emailed to your email address (both district and personal email addresses.)