1. Creation of a Mission College Anti-Racism Resource Guide. Suggested Readings and
trainings to build up the collective capacity to engage in conversations rooted in
equity and anti-racism.
- The Culture of Equity Work Group is in the process of designing a campus wide Anti-Racism
Virtual Resource Guide which is slated to be completed by the end of the Spring 2021
- Various resource guide-type documents have been shared on website, canvas, etc. The
college is committed to organizing the various resources in a way that makes sense
and allows for engagements across multiple domains: resources for the classroom; resources
for managers; for classified; breaking it into entry level (equity 101) and more advanced
resources for folks who have familiarity.
2. Communities of Praxis across disciplines with a focus on effective teaching strategies
and curriculum practices for a culturally diverse student population informed by VRC,
Equity Leadership Alliance, and equity trainings to lead Cultural Competency Curriculum
and Syllabi audits.
- In Spring 2021, Mission College launched its first-ever Equity Pedagogy Community
of Praxis (CoP). This CoP is a collaborative learning community made up of 20 full
and part-time faculty to engage in the scholarship of anti-racist, culturally responsive
teaching with a focus on the distance education context.
- Led by Sarah Sullivan, English Faculty and Professional Development Coordinator, participants
will apply their knowledge to individually redesign curricular artifacts and pedagogical
practices for an upcoming course and to share out these practices/strategies with
the entire college.
3. Build-out of Data Dashboards with disaggregated and equity-focused data along with
development of training sessions on meaningful use of data to drive equity-minded
decisions; update and provide training on the AY 2020 Student Equity Plan metrics.
- The Equity Pedagogy Work Group will conduct a Data Dialogue Project with Dr. Eric
Felix in April and May 2021. Dr. Felix will work with the faculty to review their
course success, retention, and student drop data. Discussions will be facilitated
to reflect on the data and their practice to come up with immediate and long-term
strategies to mitigate equity gaps in the classroom.
- A key objective of this project is having success data readily available for instructors
to view about their own courses. If this project is successful, the college hopes
to scale this effort out through the development of a data coach program to carry
out the data conversations throughout all divisions.
- The Office of Research and Planning is in the process of developing more Power BI
data dashboards for the college including a dashboard for faculty. Draft dashboards
will be shared with the senates and College Council for input in mid-Spring 21.
4. Provide implicit bias testing and related training across the college in partnership
with the district.
- Mission College hosted a Community Conversation on Implicit Bias during its All College
Day in late January 2021. The entire campus was invited to take the Implicit Association
Test and create an understanding and awareness of implicit bias and how it plays out
in our everyday lives. This was co-facilitated by Karen Gee, Psychology Faculty, and
Ken Songco, Director of Student Equity and Success.
- A Follow Up Community Conversation on Implicit Bias was conducted in March 2021 to
go over the Six Interventions to Tackle Implicit Bias from Georgetown University and
to reflect on one or two interventions participants can try either in the workplace
or in their daily lives.
5. Revision and implementation of Equity/Anti-Racism 101 training modules, including
an orientation program for new employees at Mission College.
- Two different trainings – one focused on deeper understanding of equity and another
on how to operationalize. Anti-racism training is the priority for Spring and Equity
101 can follow in Summer/Fall 2021.
- HR trainings focused on Equity/EEO/implicit bias modules and trainings for the district.
Potentially package Equity 101 as the entry level trainings that are through VRC or
equity alliance. Then the series continues to 201 or 301 as we return back in person.
Look into the VRC sessions we can package.
- Mission College plans on providing Anti-Racism 101 training modules in Fall 2021.
Module objectives are as follows:
- a) Build a shared language of racism and anti-blackness;
- b) Understand the history and legacy of racism and white supremacy;
- c) Process and have dialogue on the impacts of racism and white supremacy in community;
- d) Create personal actions plans to collectively build our humanity and combat racism/oppression
in our daily practice.
- In Spring 2021, District HR is offering it’s Spring Workshop Series: Let’s Talk about
Racism through CircleUp Education. Workshop topics include Safe/courageous space to
discuss racism and Structural Racism in the Workplace.
6. Development of new equity and anti-racism training program with recognition of
completion, or ‘badging,’ for all employees utilizing resources in the VRC and Equity
Leadership Alliance.
Mission College is part of the CA Community College Equity Leadership Alliance and
has sent teams of faculty, classified professionals, and administrators to eConvenings
on topics such as:
- Understanding and Addressing Implicit Bias;
- Understanding and Confronting Anti-Black Racism;
- Meaningfully Integrating Race Across the Curriculum;
- Recruiting and Hiring Faculty of Color; and Confronting Explicit Acts of Racism and
Racial Violence on Campus.
Teams are expected to meet with a member of Executive Cabinet to come up with projects
to operationalize what they’ve learned to support Mission College’s ongoing equity/anti-racism