link TRIO Workshops at Mission

TRIO Workshops

At TRIO, we understand that successfully navigating your college career involves much more than completing the required work for your courses. There are institutional deadlines to meet, forms to fill out, and personal concerns away from school.

This is why we are very deliberate in the material we make available to TRIO students to help them through these processes.

Techie Talk Tuesday

A workshop series where we invite professionals from local tech industry businesses to visit the TRIO office and host a talk with the program participants. These individuals are able to share their personal stories and academic trajectories that led to their current company role. Students are able to engage these individuals, ask questions, and build upon their own professional networks.

Wellness Wednesdays

A series developed in collaboration with the Mission College Student Health Services department. These sessions are particularly aimed toward addressing the stressors and emotional draw that the college experience can often create. Recent workshop topics have covered Personal Relationships, Managing Anxiety, and Mental Health Matters.

Financial Fitness

A workshop series that is often times presented in collaboration with the Office of Financial Aid. Here, not only do we get into the essentials of financial literacy, but we also explore the financial barriers that many students face while attending college. Once there, we apply what we have learned and explore the scenarios in which students can find solutions to their personal money matters, making the college experience more enjoyable and affordable.

How to College

A workshop series that is at the core of the Mission College TRIO philosophy and is predominantly presented by the program’s student staff. In this series, we teach students about the basics of higher education in general. We discuss the language used in higher education, and even that which is specific to Mission College, the California Community College system, the California State University and the University of California systems.

We teach students about institutional procedures, policies, and protocol that all students are responsible for, though the information may not be taught in a structured manner. The goal of this series is for TRIO students to become “experts” in navigating Mission College and to be in a position to pass that knowledge on to other students.