link Find Your Student ID
A male staff member helps a student in the Welcome Center from behind the counter.

Student ID

Mission Portal  Canvas

Your Canvas and student ID is your seven digit number proceeded by G0 (zero). Students receive a student ID upon registering for Mission College.

If you've lost it, you may easily retreive your ID number.

For example, G01712345

Reactivate student ID

Any student that has missed more than one semester has to re-apply to Mission College via CC apply to re-activates the student ID number.     


Your default password is your 8 digit birthdate.
Format: mmddyyyy
Please change your password on your first login.

  1. Click Account
  2. Click Settings
  3. Find and click Edit Settings (on the right)
  4. Click the Change Password checkbox
  5. Enter Old password
  6. Enter and confirm New password
  7. Click Update Settings

Problems Logging In

I.S. Help Desk: (408)741-2696
WVC AR: (408)741-2001
MC Welcome Center: (408)855-5007
[email protected]