link Frequently Asked Questions | Honors

Frequently Asked Questions - Honors Program

What is the Honors Program?

The Honors Program provides highly motivated students the opportunity to work closely with instructors and other motivated students in advanced levels of critical thinking, analysis, research, writing and communication.

Honors courses offer enriched educational experiences through challenging coursework, stimulating colloquia, and the opportunity to study with other students interested in the highest level of learning. 

What is an Honors Student?

Honors students are as diverse as any average group of college students in every way possible - culture, economic status, political affiliation, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, and age - but, they share many qualities.

Honors students are inquisitive and goal-oriented, enthusiastic and supportive, skeptical and questioning, and eager to discover their potential. Above all, Honors students seek challenges and consistently strive to achieve excellence!

If you are that above-average, self-directed student, or feel that you have the potential to be, the Honors Program offers you the opportunity to put your abilities to the test and achieve at a higher level than you ever before imagined.

Still not sure? Remember that every journey worth taking begins with a willingness to succeed, and a single step in the right direction. Believe in yourself! Honors students are people just like you! 

What is an Honors Scholar?

The Honors Scholar award is one of the highest academic awards granted by Mission College.  To become an Honors Scholar, a student must:

  • be a member of the Mission College Honors Transfer Project
  • have 3.25 transferable GPA
  • complete 15 units of Honors coursework with a C or better (at least 9 units must be completed at Mission College)

What are the benefits of becoming an Honors Scholar?

Graduating as an Honors Scholar, one of the highest academic awards granted by Mission College, demonstrates your extraordinary commitment to the highest level of learning.

As an elite Honors Scholar, you will receive an Honors cord to wear proudly at commencement, a certificate recognizing your academic accomplishment, and a notation on your official college transcript.  You will also have the opportunity to take advantage of many transfer partnerships and scholarships. 

Am I required to be an Honors Scholar?

No. For a variety of reasons, many students choose to take only a few Honors Courses. For example, if you join with only two semesters left at MC, you might not be able to fit five Honors Courses in your schedule.

Remember, even one or two Honors courses look great on your transcript and you can still brag about being a program member and participate in all our activities.

Are honors classes harder or more competitive?

Most students describe Honors course work as more challenging, exciting, stimulating and thought-provoking than other classes. Honors classes emphasize student involvement, participation and performance. Honors students are encouraged to think analytically and creatively and are taught to communicate their thoughts effectively.

Although students will certainly find their honors course work challenging, those who enter the program with strong, well-organized study skills will find that they have very little trouble handling their honors workload. 

Why are writing and critical thinking skills at the heart of the Honors Program curriculum?

The ability to write and communicate clearly and effectively is central to a student's success in school and in their career. A strong foundation in English will help you to organize and present complex ideas and to read challenging works accurately and critically. Success in all courses, including mathematics and the sciences, will depend upon your ability to read, write and think! 

Will completing the Honors Program enhance my transfer opportunities?

As competition for scholarships and admission to transfer institutions gets more intense, the Honors Program will provide you with an important advantage. "Honors Scholars" demonstrate "excess capacity," the ability to do more than is required of them while attending community college, and this is something admissions officers are looking for.

Honors designated courses automatically enhances the impact of a student's transcript on a potential transfer institution because it shows a student's dedication to academic challenge and excellence. Honors students are better prepared for the higher-level work expected at 4-year colleges and Universities. 

Will more honors courses be added to the schedule soon?

YES! The Honors Program is working with faculty to identify additional courses to enhance our already strong honors curriculum. Care is being taken to ensure the courses we offer will satisfy requirements needed for various majors as well general education. 

When can I apply?

We accept applications year around. However, the deadlines for applicants hoping to receive priority registration will be in October for Spring enrollment and March for Fall enrollment. 

How can I best prepare for my honors classes?
  • Attend every class meeting.
  • Participate actively in class discussions and exercises.
  • Take notes during lectures; class discussions and oral and film/video presentations.
  • Complete all assignments on time and in the appropriate format.
  • Complete all reading assignments in advance.
  • Arrive to class on time and stay the entire class period.
  • Have your class materials ready to go.
  • Seek out your professors during their office hours.

If you have additional questions, email [email protected].