link High School Math vs College

College Math Classes

Four students work together at a table in a classroom.

There are a number of differences between a high school Math class and a college Math class. There are also differences regarding what is expected of you as a student. 

For example, in college almost all students are over 18 years old. As a college student, you voluntarily choose and pay for your classes.

As a result, instructors expect that you will do your best on Math assignments and tests

What is Community College?

The transition from high school to college is challenging for some people. However, the decision to attend a community college is a smart choice. For one, it costs less and offers smaller classes. In addition, many classes are offered online. Learn more about community college.

Math Help and Tutoring

Another way the two environments differ is that as a college student you will, when needed, take the initiative to seek help. If you are falling behind in a class, ask your teacher for clarification. In addition, Math tutoring is available through the Academic Support Center. 

High School vs College
High School College
A school for children becoming adults and learning to be responsible. A school for responsible adults.
Students are treated as children who need help. Students must attend school. Students are treated as adult independent learners.
Class attendance is enforced by administration. Taking a college class is voluntary. Class attendance is expected, but is the responsibility of each student.
High school is free. College can cost a lot of money to attend. However, Community college is an affordable alternative!
Other people structure your time. Students are responsible for their own time.
Parents and teachers guide student decisions. Students are responsible for their own choices. Regardless, counselors are available to assist you in developing a plan. 
Teachers remind you about turning in work. Homework often neither collected nor graded. The purpose of homework is to learn and practice.
Teachers will approach students who may have difficulties. Students must approach instructors if they want or need assistance. 
Teachers may not be available outside of the classroom. Instructors are available during scheduled office hours.
Teachers make sure you take tests. Class preparation is minimal. Showing up for tests is the sole responsibility of the student. Preparing for class requires a lot of time.
Homework is minimal. Teachers guide study. Doing homework requires two to three hours per one hour of class time per week.
Tests are frequent and cover one chapter. Tests are infrequent and cover a large amount of material.
A student's effort is part of the grade. Effort is necessary to learn, but is not directly graded.
A student may pass the class merely by attending every day. Passing a course depends on test performance.
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