Mission College Music
Mission Chorus
Take Voice Lessons
Search for: MUS 041 (chorus) or MUS 032 (voice)
Like to sing? We take all levels of singers and perform a variety of songs throughout the year. If you like to sing, whether it’s in the shower, karaoke or live on stage, you can be part of the Mission College Chorus! Or take a voice lesson class.
- Join the Mission College Chorus for the Fall or Spring semesters. (or both!)
- Students will need to apply, receive a student ID, and then register via My Mission Portal.
- Classes are 1.0 unit classes ($46 per unit) per semester. We also perform throughout the year.
Choir Performances
Higher Ground |
One Fine Day |
We'll Meet Again |
Wish You Were Here |
Sledgehammer by Peter Gabriel |
Christmas Meditation by Alf Houkom |
Soul Cake by Noel Paul Stookey |
Auld Lang Syne |