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Classes to Consider

These courses are a good starting point. Our suggestions are meant as a tool to get ideas and inspiration before you register. 

Specialty Programs
SAP Program (ACC and BUS courses)

Learn the world's No. 1 computing software-- SAP! SAP is the world's largest provider of enterprise application software, with technology that supports business management fundamentals to the most sophisticated analytics requirements. We have joined SAP's University Alliances of 3,200 educational institutions in over 111 countries to integrate SAP into our teaching.

Business Information Professional (CAP and BUS courses)

The Business Information Professional Pathway and Certificate equip you with the technical, communication and management skills in just three semesters to advance your career.

It is designed to prepare students for  entry-level office and administrative  support positions   (such as office administrative specialists, customer service reps, information  clerks, and  office managers)in a variety of business workplace environments.

Honors Program

The Honors Program provides highly motivated students the opportunity to work closely with instructors and other motivated students in advanced levels of critical thinking, analysis, research, writing, and communication. Students take high-level courses in a combination of biological sciences, chemistry, communication studies, history, humanities, mathematics, political science, psychology and sociology.

(TBA due to Pandemic)

A world-wide organization on the Mission College campus catering to students to join the club as a co-curricular activity to help build confidence and practice skills in public speaking.

Classes for the Business Professional and Skill Re-Training

We pride ourselves on creating classes to help you succeed with practical classes in hands-on training. Here are some to consider if you work or own a small business or work in the business world.

ACC 033 • Using Excel for Forecasting & Planning
ACC 034 • Business Financial Planning with Excel

 Our ACC 033/034 courses provide real-world scenarios in the classroom with accounting principle refreshers and Excel applications.  The combination leads to deeper appreciation and skill attainment that are essential for the workplace and higher level business / analytics classes. 

ACC 051B • Taxation of Business Entities

Get a better understanding of the tax laws associated with your partnership, corporation, estate or trust.

ACC 060 • Quickbooks

Understand the basics of accounting software, QuickBooks. Learn about ledgers, accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll setup, creating statements and more!

ACC 073 • Accounting Information Systems

Learn the world's No. 1 software that is used by the majority of Fortune 1000 companies.

BUS 028A • Business Law

Before you open your own business or promoted to a manager, what laws do you need to know before you start on these new positions.

BUS 054 • Small Business Start-Up and Management

Want to start a small business? Here's your chance. Get tips on how to research, plan and start your small business.

BUS 78B • Business Communications

Communications is important. Learn how to write and communicate for business, including email, memos, reports and letters.

BUS 118 • Human Resource Management

Employees are your business. Learn how to manage them and the state and federal rules around their employment, training and development.

ESL Programs

Let us help your employees improve their English skills with classes in reading, writing and grammar. Both for credit ($46) per unit, non-credit (free) and intensive ESL classes available at

SAP Program (ACC and BUS courses)

Learn the world's No. 1 computing software-- SAP! SAP is the world's largest provider of enterprise application software, with technology that supports business management fundamentals to the most sophisticated analytics requirements. We have joined SAP's University Alliances of 3,200 educational institutions in over 111 countries to integrate SAP into our teaching.

Business Information Professional (CAP and BUS courses)

The Business Information Professional Pathway and Certificate equips you with the technical, communication and management skills in just three semesters so that they  you can start working or advance in your career quickly.

Sing, Dance and Play 

If you have an interest, we welcome your participation in the following performance-based classes.

Mission College Chorus 

From Peter Gabriel, Sting, classical and pop, we sing a little bit of everything! Join our small but mighty singing group!

Mission Dance Company

Mission Dance Company is a student-run non-profit organization from Mission College, providing a venue for students to choreograph and perform original works of art and share them with the broader community. Dance with us:

Mission College Symphony

Have a taste for classical music? Want to perform as a part of our symphony? Join us at

See below for more courses in our arts.

Join an Athletics Team

Did you play a sport in high school? Interested in continuing it in college? Mission Saints Athletics is always looking for student-athletes for its teams. And as a student-athlete your participation is a 3.0 unit class in Kinesiology!

Fall 2021

Here's a sampling of our classes for summer you might consider. Search for the latest offerings here.


ACC 034 • Business Financial Planning using excel to build loan amortizations, break even analysis, capital budget and value of time and money.


ART 031A • Drawing no formal drawing experience necessary. Drawing of natural and man-made forms with a variety of media.

ART 033A • 2D Drawing drawing and elements of two dimensional design.

ART 065 and 067 • Ceramics Making pottery by hand (065) and with the pottery wheel (067).

Biological Sciences

BIO 012 • Emerging Infectious Diseases learn how infectious agents cause disease. 

BIO 014 • Intro to Neuroscience learn how the nervous system interacts with the brain and its senses.


CHM 002 • Intro to Chemistry For students planning a career in science-related fields.

CHM 060 • Survey of General, Organic and Bio Chemistry designed for students majoring in health sciences, nursing or physical therapy.


EGR 010 • Intro to Engineering If you like to take things a part or solve problems, this gives you a taste of the engineering field.


ENG 001B • English Composition learn to write college essays and research papers.

ENG 006B • Survey of World Literature selected great works of Western and non-Western literary traditions, including women's, minority, and ethnic literature from around the world.

Graphic Design

GDS 041 • Mobile Game Design and Development Create mobile games using third party developer tools, design, programming, testing and publishing.

GDS 074 • Video Production Learn to create dynamic videos and the elements involved in video production editing and producing.

Hospitality Courses
  • FDR 050A • Intro to Hospitality Management • Take a dip in the hospitality pool and see if the restaurant and hospitality industry is meant for you!
  • FDR 058 • Cost Control for Food Services • Understand the cost of food and how it relates to what you put on your menus.
  • FDR 075 • Menu Planning • Plan healthy meals on a budget or plan for a larger gathering, we'll teach you what pairs well on your plate.


HIS 020 • History of California Discover how the World's fifth largest economy came to be.


In-person activity classes: tennis, pilates, cardio-cross training, hatha yoga, walking, basketball, tai chi.

KIN 047 • Hip Hop Dance From beginners to advanced, have fun learning and performing dance moves.

KIN 080 • Dance Appreciation Study the function of dance as an art, ritual or social activity.


MAT 001 • College Algebra College-level course include real and complex number systems, fractions, exponents, equations and more.

MAT 000D • Trigonometry Learn trigonometric functions, circular functions, graphs, coordinates, vectors and complex numbers.

MAT 010 • Intro to Statistics Understanding data analysis, probabilities and assorted hypothesis testing.

MAT 903 • Elementary Algebra Real and complex number systems, fractions, exponents, equations and more.


MUS 032 • Voice Lessons Whether you like to sing in the shower or sing on stage, we'll teach you the voice techniques to make you shine!

Don't know what to take? Ask a counselor.