link Caring Campus Initiative

Caring Campus Initiative

Caring Campus’s purpose is to create a college environment that increases students’ sense of connectedness and belonging, and, in turn, completion of each student’s education goals. This sense of connectedness is especially important for underrepresented student populations who complete at lower rates than majority students.

Research indicates that student support staff and other employees can contribute considerably to enhancing student connectedness, thereby increasing the likelihood students will attain their educational goals. 

Mission as a Caring Campus

Research indicates that student support staff and other employees can contribute considerably to enhancing student connectedness, thereby increasing the likelihood students will attain their educational goals. Read more about Caring Campus.Mission as a Caring Campus

Danielle Ramirez-King was selected as Classified Co-Lead in August 2020 joining Manuel Salazar, Administrator Co-Lead.  

Twenty (20) Classified Professionals were selected to participate to start the Caring Campus Initiatve work in Fall.  These classifieds attended four coaching sessions with the IEBC Caring Campus Coach. Sessions included orientation, identifying behavioral commitments, develop implementation plan, monitoring plan and communication plan.  Caring Campus team presented their findings and work to administration on November 16th. 

Caring Campus Kickoff to the campus was held during Spring 2021 All College Week on Tuesday, January 26th. The session was led by Danielle Ramirez-King, Jorge Murillo, Vianey Topete and Zita Melton. 

The work continues on our campus.

Why Caring Campus?

  • Improve Student services
  • Provide excellent customer service
  • Provide a positive environment
  • Increase student retention
  • Increase registration rate
  • Increase connection between departments and across college

Overall -provide an amazing opportunity for students to find what they are looking for in their educational journey

Fall 2021 Update

Jorge Murillo and Zita Melton has taken on as co-leads in addition with Manuel Salazar.

Caring Campus Commitments
Traditional Virtual
  • Learning about other departments
  • Warm Referrals  & Hand-offs
  • Use Student-Friendly Language
  • Name Badges
  • E-Introductions in Email (Take the students information and make the virtual connection)
  • Warm Email Referrals & Hand-Offs (Use contact information and introduce yourself first)
  • Welcome Campaign
  • Summary of Services on webpages
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Caring Campus Leads
  • Jorge Murillo, Classified Co-lead (2021-Present)
  • Zita Melton, Classified Co-lead (2021-Present)
  • Manuel Salazar, Administrator Co-Lead (2020-Present)
  • Danielle Ramirez-King, Classified Co-Lead (2020-Sept 2021)
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Classified Participants
  • Amanda Marshall
  • Analiza Dasalla
  • Andrew Soliz
  • Barbara McMahon
  • Eleen Badal-Abdishou
  • Jorge Murillo
  • Jouney Chong
  • Lisa Willett
  • Liz Pelayo
  • Lucia Moreno
  • Mark Darrah
  • Mary Ann Medrano
  • My Loi
  • Nannette Regua
  • Renee Ruzicka
  • Robert Guest
  • Vianey Topete
  • Xuan Lu
  • Zita Melton
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Moving toward a True Community

Loss of Momemtum Diagram
This graphic above illustrates the role of Caring Campus in the Mission College student lifecycle.